Monday, April 29, 2013
We’re All Branch Davidians Now
Guest Post By Anthony Greggory
Nineteen years ago, just outside Waco, Texas, the FBI demonstrated once again that the state at its core is a killing machine. Monarchy, democracy, or republic – any government as conventionally defined is a legal monopoly on violence. The state is always inclined toward oppression, division, conquest, and bloodshed, because these are its tools of trade.
Matters are no different here. The myth of a free America was always seen with bitter irony by those not blessed by such freedom. In the founding generation, as half a million labored in slavery, many who fought in the Revolution genuinely believed in liberty, but for the ruling elite who chided them on, liberty was hardly more than a slogan. This has always been true of our political leaders.
The Father of the Country was a centralizing slaveowner. Old Hickory talked up freedom as he threatened war on South Carolina and forced the Cherokee to flee from their ancestral land on a barbarously murderous walk of shame. The Great Emancipator turned America into a military dictatorship and abolished the revolutionary right of secession. Wilson’s New Freedom was cover for a Prussianized war machine generating revenue for his profiteering buddies on Wall Street. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms failed to include the freedom not to be drafted or interned in a concentration camp. Ronald Reagan threw the word freedom around as he trained Latin American torturers and raped the Bill of Rights in the name of fighting drugs. The United States has never lived up to its rhetoric.
But the events from February 28 through April 19, 1993, still stand out in my mind as a watershed. It was the post-Cold War regime’s coming of age, signifying a major event in cultural history.
Everything about Operation Showtime was brazen, and it seemed like an overreach even by some of the government’s establishment defenders. Yet today Washington’s fixers must look back at these embarrassments as a hiccup at most, as growing pains on the way to establishing a militarized law-and-order apparatus of nearly unlimited power. That this stepping stone was reached on the eve of the Internet era, right before the old media began its decline in influence, was most convenient for the police state and its solidification.
The propaganda against the Branch Davidians was perfectly tuned to appeal to the masses, each adjustment in frequency coming just in time to keep the people listening. Religious fanatics with a meth lab, armed and dangerous, abusing their children – few wanted to stand up for these people during the siege. Even fewer wished to identify the Davidian response to the original raid for what it was: self-defense. The Davidians fired on the ATF so long as the ATF fired upon the Davidians, and when the ATF ran out of ammo, the Davidians held their fire. The government’s officials were the aggressors. What followed were fifty-one days of psychological warfare designed to isolate the Davidians – from water, from food, from the press, their lawyers and family – and break them down like any wartime enemy.
So preposterous was the standoff that eventually even the mainstream media began asking questions. A New York Times exposé on March 28 raised all sorts of troubling issues, which only multiplied in the days that followed. Federal agents said that supervisors had known they had lost the element of surprise, but decided to go ahead with the February 28 raid anyway. Agents were reportedly unhappy with their equipment and communication methods. The poor planning and lack of contingency options were exposed. No medical assistance had been prepared for the ATF’s raid. Reports emerged that some of the ATF agents had injured or killed one another in friendly fire. There were hints that other agents might have even been captured and let go by the Davidians. The ATF intelligence chief stopped holding press conferences as the heat continued to mount.
On April 19, tired from the boredom and bad publicity of just standing around outside the “compound,” the FBI drove a tank through the Davidians’ home, pumped it full of CS gas, launched incendiary devices at the building, and watched it go up in flames. As soon as the stakes became higher, as soon as questioning the feds meant implying they had committed mass murder, the media stopped barking defiantly and jumped back to the government’s lap.
The Democrats, home of America’s center-left, oversaw this exceedingly important event in the development of the police state. Unsurprisingly, every respectable liberal defended the government and believed Clinton’s people when they demonized the Davidians. The entire respectable right went along with the bloodletting, too. Why wouldn’t they? It was a raid planned by George H.W. Bush’s ATF, carried out by the Clintonistas, and ultimately rubberstamped by the Republicans in Congress, and so everyone could get behind it. Some libertarians wavered, including Randians and other proponents of violent national secularism, and much of the radical left went limp too.
The Oklahoma City incident two years later was spun by the media as an example of anti-government extremism somehow being a greater threat than the government itself. It became increasingly un-PC to bring up what had happened in Texas. The election of Dubya and 9/11 washed away the paranoid anti-statist instincts of much of the Clinton-hating right.
Waco, from the raid’s planning to the cover-up and show trials, taught the U.S. government what it could get away with – which is to say, practically anything. It can gas innocent children with internationally banned chemicals. It can hoist a federal flag atop a torched American home, claim victory, and see its public image improve. It can throw grenades at people trying to escape a building and claim they are being held hostage. In the name of protecting these “hostages” and children, it can watch as they burn and keep the firefighters away. And the massacre will be tolerated, even applauded.
Dozens of people of color died at the hands of the federal government, and the official Civil Rights movement hardly spoke up. Dozens of people were targeted for their religion, and it hardly bothered many of the very conservatives who allege a war on religion waged by DC. The largest federal-military killing of civilians on U.S. soil in a century has now become one more notch on the progressive left’s timeline of major events in anti-government extremism, as opposed to a principal example of government extremism where a tiny minority community was virtually exterminated.
Indeed, in 1993 the Davidians were only the most conspicuous and recent example in America’s long history of the demonized Other, the marginalized underclass in the official hierarchy of human worth. Slaves, Indians, Mexicans, Southerners, Catholics, Irish and German-Americans, Chinese immigrants, Japanese-Americans, Mormons, homosexuals, alleged Communists, rightwing extremists, and many others have played the role, often for their imagined association with the wartime enemy, but always for being out of step with the government’s accepted definition of legitimate humanity. Many look back at incidents of intolerance with disbelief that Americans could be so blind to oppression. Yet when the topic of Waco comes up, they will think only of those nutcases who, according to the government and media, attacked federal agents and then killed themselves.
In the nineteen years since Waco, we have seen the police state explode in every direction and now we are all ensnared. Some groups are always more threatened than others, but no one is truly safe. The prisons have swollen to the largest detention system since Stalin’s gulags. The police conduct three thousand SWAT raids a month. The war on terror has made a total mockery of what remained of the Fourth Amendment. Torture has lost its taboo. So has indefinite detention. The feds irradiate and molest airline passengers by the millions. People are jailed for taking medicine, buying Sudafed, sharing songs, and selling milk.
The Kafkaesque regulatory state threatens people of all economic classes with crushing fines and a fate in a cage. The public schools, always authoritarian institutions, have become explicit adjuncts of the criminal justice system and military recruitment offices. Every major police department has tanks and battle rifles and drones are being used for surveillance and God knows what else. Each federal department has enough firepower to conquer a small third-world country. DHS alone has ordered enough ammo to shoot every American man, woman, and child. The president claims the right to kill American citizens anywhere on the planet on his say-so alone. And he exercises that power.
Why do some of us continue to fixate on Waco? If for no other reason, because April 19, 1993 was a squandered opportunity if ever there was one. The people could have risen up and said, “Enough!”
They could have demanded the military occupation retreat from their own neighborhoods – both the federal presence and its satellite jackboots in the city police. They could have demanded an end to the gun laws, drug war, and federal war on crime, each of which was instrumental in ending the lives of more than twenty children at Waco.
They could have turned against the media whose elites stood and applauded the White House as it announced and defended its latest killing spree. They could have seen the federal government for the clear and present danger it obviously poses – the only government that had militarily mass murdered American civilians on American soil since the collateral damage at Pearl Harbor.
They could have turned their backs on the killers in DC, refusing ever to believe in their lies again, saving the lives of uncountable Americans, Serbians, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Yemenis, Palestinians, and so many others who would bear the wrath of an unhampered imperial executive in the nineteen years to come, sparing the priceless liberties we have seen shredded on the altar of state power.
Instead, they looked the other way, they yawned, even cheered. There might still be time to turn things around. But the tanks are closing in.
Anthony Gregory
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Good Guys Are Not Coming To Save Us

Guest Post by Paul Rosenberg and originally published at Free-Man's Perspective
A lot of Americans know that the US government is out of control. Anyone who has cared enough to study the US Constitution even a little knows this. Still, very few of these people are taking any significant action, and largely because of one error: They are waiting for “the good guys” to show up and fix things.
Some think that certain groups of politicians will pull it together and fix things, or that one magnificent politician will ride in to fix things. Others think that certain members of the military will step in and slap the politicians back into line. And, I’m sure there are other variations.
There are several problems with this. I’ll start with the small issues:
- It doesn’t happen. A lot of good people have latched on to one grand possibility after another, waiting for a good guy to save the day, and it just doesn’t happen. Thousands of hours of reading, writing and waiting are burned with each new “great light” who comes along with a promise to run the system in the “right” way, and give us liberty and truth. (Or whatever.) Lots of decent folks grab on to one pleasant dream after another, only to end up right back where they started… but poorer in time, energy and finances.
- Hope is a scam. It’s a dream of someday, somehow, getting something for nothing. People who hope do not act – they wait for other people to act. Hope is a tool to neuter a natural opposition: they sit and hope, and never act against you. Even the biblical meaning of hope is something more like expectation (or sometimes waiting) than the modern use of hope.
- Petitioning an abuser for compassion. The “good guys” are considered to be a few people inside the abusive government. But if the good guys were really good, wouldn’t they have dissociated themselves with an abuser some time ago? By pleading for the good guys to rise up, people are asking one sub-group of the abusers to save them from the rest of the abusers. However, they all work for the same operation; they all get paid out of the same offices; according to the same rulebook. And if the good guys are so willing to turn against their employers, why would they have waited until now?
- Movies. We all grew up in the company of movie heroes who rode in at the last minute to save the noble victims. From John Wayne to Star Trek to Bruce Willis, the story line differs little. These are pleasant stories, of course, but cinema is not reality, and hoping for it to become reality is something that we should get over prior to adulthood.
The Magic System
A lot of Americans believe that the American “Founders” created a system that automatically fixes itself. They talk about the “balance of powers,” and think that it will always save them from a tyrant. The balanced powers of the US Constitution, however, were trashed within fifteen years and doubly-trashed just a century ago.In the Constitution, the states balanced the power of the national government (the one now in Washington, DC.) Not only did the states control half of the legislature, but they decided if and how they would implement the edicts of the national government. And that included deciding whether a law was constitutional or not.
This changed in 1803 with the Marbury v. Madison ruling. This ruling – taught as a work of genius in American schools – was a fraud against the US Constitution. In it, the Supreme Court held that they understood the Constitution better than James Madison, the man who wrote it!
But worse than even this, they held – with absolutely no basis – that it was they who would decide what was constitutional or not. The states were tossed aside. Even the sitting President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, called it “a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
Marbury’s Judicial review (the Supremes ruling on constitutionality) merely involves one branch of the national government providing a check on the other branches of the national government. After Marbury, no one could check the national government.
Washington DC was unleashed with Marbury v. Madison. What made it almighty was the 17th Amendment of 1913, which took the powers of the states and transferred them to Washington, by mandating the popular election of senators.
With senators being elected directly by the populace, the states were cut-out of the equation. In their place, political parties gained massive power, and nearly all power was consolidated in the city of Washington.
And so it is today. Washington is an unfettered beast. The system will NOT fix itself; the mechanisms to do that were lost a long time ago.
The Easy Way Out
Standing up against a beast like Washington DC is scary, to be sure. Understandably, not many people want to do such a thing. But if the beast is abusing you, what other choice do you have? You can certainly avoid or evade the beast, but we all know that the beast hurts people it catches avoiding it, so the risk of doing this isn’t zero either.So, what’s a person to do? They hate their abuse, but outright disobedience would be scary. Unfortunately, many people have come up with a third option: Get someone else to do it for you.
Lots of writers have done this, for example: Write flamboyantly about the abuses people face and stir them to “rise up against the power.” Fairly seldom does the writer take big risks himself – he just stirs up others to do the scary stuff.
Something very similar happens to basically moral people who don’t want to risk pain and suffering: they imagine good guys riding in to save them.
But, as I say, these are genuinely decent people, and they are willing to take smaller risks to help the good guys: They will spend time and money promoting them, and they will even accept name-calling in many cases. They just don’t want to become full-blown rebels and outcasts.
The result of this is predictable: abuse by the political class. If the politicians show them a viable possibility every election cycle, they’ll keep voting their way forever… and the hero never really has to show up.
The Sad Truth
Let’s just say it:
No one is going to ride in and save you.
If you want things to get better,
then YOU will have to make them better. YOU will have to stand up and
take the arrows, yourself. Liberty, at this stage of human development,
requires risk and pain.
That it is not those who call upon his name who will be saved, but only those who DO the things he said.
Likewise in this situation, our only hope of salvation
lies in DOING.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Guest Post By Jim Quinn- The Burning Platform
“The real hopeless victims of mental
illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many
of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of
existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their
lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as
the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the
absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a
profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal
society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of
abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if
they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” – Aldous Huxley – Brave New World Revisited

The political class set in motion the eventual obliteration of our economic system with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Placing the fate of the American people in the hands of a powerful cabal of unaccountable greedy wealthy elitist bankers was destined to lead to poverty for the many, riches for the connected crony capitalists, debasement of the currency, endless war, and ultimately the decline and fall of an empire. Ernest Hemingway’s quote from The Sun Also Rises captures the path of our country perfectly:
“How did you go bankrupt?”
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
There is nothing normal about what Ben Bernanke and the Federal government have done over the last five years and continue to do today. Truthfully, nothing has been normal since the mid-1990s when Alan Greenspan spoke the last truthful words of his lifetime:
“Clearly, sustained low inflation
implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply
higher prices of stocks and other earning assets. We can see that in
the inverse relationship exhibited by price/earnings ratios and the rate
of inflation in the past. But how do we know when irrational exuberance
has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to
unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the
past decade?”
Despite the mistruths spoken by Bernanke and his cadre of banker coconspirators, he can never reverse what he has done. The country will not return to normalcy in our lifetimes. Bernanke is conducting a mad experiment and we are the rats in his maze. His only hope is to retire before it blows up in his face. Just as Greenspan inflated the housing bubble and exited stage left, Bernanke is inflating a debt bubble, stock bubble, bond bubble and attempting to re-inflate the housing bubble just in time for another Ivy League Keynesian academic, Janet Yellen, to step into the banker’s box. This genius thinks Bernanke has been too tight with monetary policy. It seems inflated egos are common among Ivy League economist central bankers who think they can pull levers and push buttons to control the economy. Results may vary.
The gradual slide towards our national bankruptcy of wealth, spirit, freedom, self-respect, morality, personal responsibility, and common sense began in 1913 with the secretive creation of the Federal Reserve and the imposition of a personal income tax. Pandora’s Box was opened in this fateful year and the horrors of currency debasement and ever increasing taxation were thrust upon the American people by a small but powerful cadre of unscrupulous financial elite and the corrupt politicians that do their bidding in Washington D.C. The powerful men who thrust these evils upon our country set in motion a chain of events and actions that will undoubtedly result in the fall of the great American Empire, just as previous empires have fallen due to the corruption of its leaders and depravity of its people. Creating a private central bank, controlled by the Wall Street cabal, and allowing the government to syphon the earnings of workers through increased taxation has allowed politicians the ability to spend, borrow, and print money at an ever increasing rate in order to get themselves re-elected and benefit the cronies, hucksters and bankers that pay the biggest bribes. None of this benefit the average American, who sees their purchasing power systematically inflated and taxed away. This is not capitalism and it is not a coincidence that war and inflation have been the hallmarks of the last century.
“A system of capitalism presumes sound
money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism
cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by
savings, not credit creation by a central bank. It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” – Ron Paul

As you can see, the bankruptcy of our country and our culture began gradually, accelerated after Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, really picked up steam in 1980 when the debt happy Baby Boom generation came of age, and has “suddenly” reached maximum velocity as we approach the true fiscal cliff. There were many checkpoints along the way where fatefully bad choices were made. They include the New Deal, Cold War, Great Society, Morning in America, Dotcom New Paradigm, Housing Wealth Retirement Plan, Obamacare, and present belief that creating more debt will solve a problem created by too much debt. The Federal Reserve allowed interventionist politicians to fight two declared wars (World War I, World War II), fight five undeclared wars (Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq), conduct hundreds of military engagements around the globe, occupy foreign countries, begin a war on poverty that increased poverty, begin a war on drugs that increased the amount of available drugs, and finally start a war on terror that has increased the number of terrorists and pushed us closer to national bankruptcy. The terrorists have already won, as the explosion of stupidity and irrational fear has allowed those in power to acquire more power and dominion over our lives.
Abnormality Reigns
“We live surrounded by a systematic
appeal to a dream world which all mature, scientific reality would
reject. We, quite literally, advertise our commitment to immaturity,
mendacity and profound gullibility. It is as the hallmark of the
culture. And it is justified as being economically indispensable.” - John Kenneth Galbraith
The unsustainability of our economic system built upon assumptions of exponential growth, ever expanding debt, increasing consumer spending, unlimited supplies of cheap easy to access oil, impossible to honor entitlement promises, and a dash of mass delusion should be apparent to even the dullest of government public school educated drones inhabiting this country. I don’t attribute this willful ignorance to normalcy bias. I attribute it to abnormalcy bias. In a profoundly abnormal society, adjusting your thinking to fit in appears normal, but is just a symptom of the disease that has infected our culture. There is nothing normal about anything in our society today. If you were magically transported back to 1996 and described to someone the economic, political, financial and social landscape in 2013, they would have you committed to a mental institution and given shock therapy.

Even though we’ve been in a 100 year spiral downwards, things still appeared relatively normal in 1996 when Greenspan uttered his “Irrational Exuberance” faux pas that so upset his Wall Street puppet masters. The ruling class had not yet repealed Glass-Steagall (pre-requisite for pillaging the muppets), created the internet bubble, fashioned the greatest control fraud in world history (housing bubble unrecognized by Ben Bernanke), or taken advantage of mass hysteria over 9/11 to begin the never ending war on terror and expansion of the Orwellian state. The citizens, and I use that term loosely, of this country have allowed those in control of the government and media to convince them the situation confronting us is just a normal cyclical variation that will be alleviated by tweaking existing economic policies and trusting that Ben Bernanke will pull the right monetary levers to get us back on course. The stress inflicted on their brains in the last thirteen years of bubbles and wars has made the average person incapable of distinguishing between normality and abnormality. What they need is slap upside of their head. Is there anything normal about these facts?
- The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet in 1996 consisted of $422 billion, of which 91% were Treasury securities. Today it consists of $3.25 trillion, of which only 56% are Treasury securities, and the rest is toxic home mortgages, toxic commercial mortgages, and whatever other crap the Wall Street banks have dumped on their books. Their balance sheet is leveraged 57 to 1 and Bernanke has promised his Wall Street bosses he will add another $750 billion before the year is out. Is there anything normal about a central bank adding twice as much debt to its balance sheet in less than twelve months than existed on its entire balance sheet in 1996?
- The National Debt at the end of fiscal 1996 was $5.25 trillion. It increased by $250 billion that year. The GDP of the country was $7.8 trillion. Our national debt as a percentage of GDP was only 67% and our annual deficit was only 3% of GDP. At the time, the country was worried about these outrageous levels of debt. Today the National Debt stands at a towering $16.8 trillion. It has increased by a staggering $1.12 trillion in the last twelve months. The GDP of the country today is $15.7 trillion. Our national debt as a percentage GDP has soared to 107%. Our annual deficits now exceed 7% of GDP on a consistent basis. Our budgets are on automatic pilot, with the $20 trillion level to be breached by 2016. Is it a normal state of affairs when the GDP of your country rises by 100% over seventeen years, while your debt rises by 320%?
- Total government spending (Federal, State, Local) in 1996 totaled $2.7 trillion, or 35% of GDP. Today total government spending is $6.3 trillion, or 40% of GDP. In 1979, before the belief in government became a religion, total government spending was only 31.5% of GDP (27% in 1965). Are you receiving twice the service from government than you received in 1996? Are you safer from terrorists due to the massive expansion of the police state? Are your kids getting a much better education than they did in 1996? Have the undeclared wars benefitted you in any way, other than tripling the price of gas? Are the higher wage taxes, real estate taxes, school taxes, sewer fees, utility fees, phone fees, gasoline taxes, permit fees, and myriad of other government charges worth it? Is it normal for government to account for almost half of our economy?
- In 1996 personal consumption expenditures accounted for 67% of GDP, while private domestic investment accounted for 16% of GDP and we ran small trade deficits of 1% of GDP. Today, consumer spending accounts for 71% of GDP (despite the storyline about consumer retrenchment), while domestic investment has contracted to 13% of GDP and our trade deficits have surged to almost 4% of GDP. The Federal government has expanded their piece of the GDP pie by 130% since 1996, with the Department of War accounting for the bulk of the increase. Saving and capital investment is now penalized in this country. Is it normal for a country to borrow, consume and bleed itself to death?
- Consumer credit outstanding totaled $1.2 trillion in 1996, or $4,500 per every man, woman and child in the country. Today, the austere balance is now $2.8 trillion, or $8,800 per every man, woman and child inhabiting our debt saturated paradise. The more than doubling of consumer debt would be acceptable if wages were rising at a similar rate. But that hasn’t been the case, as wages have only advanced from $3.6 trillion in 1996 to $7.0 trillion today. With even the massively understated CPI showing 50% inflation since 1996 and 23% more Americans in the working age population (45 million), real wages have advanced by 30%. Using a true measure of inflation, real wages have fallen. Total credit market debt in 1996 was $19 trillion, or 243% of GDP. Today total credit market debt sits at an all-time high of $56.2 trillion, or 358% of GDP. Is it normal for credit market debt to increase at three times the rate of GDP?
- In 1996, personal income totaled $6.6 trillion, with wages accounting for 55% of the total, interest income on savings accounting for 12% and government entitlement transfers accounting for 14%. Today personal income totals $13.6 trillion, with wages accounting for 51% of the total, interest income on savings plunging to 7% due to Bernanke’s “Screw a Senior Zero Interest Policy”, and Big Brother entitlement transfers skyrocketing to 18%. In what Orwellian dystopian society is taking money from wage earners and redistributing it to non-wage earners considered personal income? Is it normal for a government to punish savers and makers in order to benefit the borrowers and takers?
- Prior to the financial collapse and during the mid-1990s prudent risk-averse savers could get a 4% to 5% return on money market accounts. Since the Wall Street created worldwide financial collapse, Ben Bernanke, at the behest of these very same Wall Street banks, has reduced short term interest rates to 0%. The result has been to transfer $400 billion per year from the pockets of savers and senior citizens into the grubby hands of bankers that have destroyed our economy. The prudent are left earning .02% on their savings, while the profligate bankers can borrow for 0% and earn billions by re-depositing those funds at the Federal Reserve. In what bizarro world this be a normal state of affairs?

- Total mortgage debt outstanding in 1996, before the epic Wall Street produced housing bubble, was $4.7 billion. Today, even after the transfer of almost $1 trillion of bad debt to the balance sheet of the American taxpayer, the amount of mortgage debt is an astounding $13.1 trillion. Despite home values rising since 1996, there are 20% of all households still in a negative equity position. Total household real estate equity was 60% in 1996, plunged below 40% in 2009, and has only slightly rebounded to 47% today because Wall Street dumped the bad mortgages on the backs of the American taxpayer. Is it normal for mortgage debt to triple and home equity to plunge in a rationally functioning world? Is it normal when 25% of all existing home sales are distressed sales and another 30% are sales to Wall Street hedge funds like Blackrock?

- In 1996 there were 200 million working age Americans, with 134 million (67%) in the labor force, 127 million (63.5%) employed, and 66 million (33%) not in the labor force. Today there are 245 million working age Americans, with 155 million (63%) in the labor force, 143 million (58%) employed, and 90 million (37%) supposedly not in the labor force. The number of working age Americans has increased by 22.5%, while the number of those employed has advanced by only 12.5%. The population to employment ratio has reached a three decade low as millions have given up, been lured into college by cheap plentiful government debt, or developed a mysterious ailment that has gotten them into the SSDI program. Is it normal for millions of Americans to leave the labor force when the economy is supposedly recovering?
- In 1996 there were 25.5 million Americans on food stamps, or 9.6% of the population, costing $24 billion per year. Today there are 47.8 million Americans on food stamps, or 15% of the population, costing $75 billion per year. Historically, the number of people in this program would rise during recessions and recede when the economy recovered, just as a safety net program should function. According to our government keepers the economy has been in recovery since late 2009. The number of people entering the food stamp program has gone up by 7 million since the recession officially ended. This is not normal. Either the government is lying about the recession or they are screwing the taxpayer by encouraging constituents to enter the program in an effort to gain votes. Which is it?
- The price of oil averaged $20 per barrel in 1996 and it cost you $1.20 per gallon to fill your tank. Oil averaged $85 per barrel in 2012 and currently hovers around $90 per barrel. Most Americans are now paying between $3.50 and $4.00 per gallon to fill their tanks. This result seems abnormal considering the propaganda machine is proclaiming we are on the verge of energy independence. After two Middle East wars, 6,700 dead American soldiers, 50,000 wounded American soldiers, and $1.5 trillion of national wealth wasted, this is all we get – a tripling in gas prices and creation of thousands of new terrorists?
Loving Your Servitude
“Liberty is lost through complacency
and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile
checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and
paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our
American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust
of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve
freedom for long.” – Ron Paul

The most disgraceful example of abnormality that has infected our culture has been the cowardice and docile acquiescence of the citizenry in allowing an ever expanding police state to shred the U.S. Constitution, strip us of our freedoms, and restrict our liberties. Our keepers have not let any crisis go to waste in the last seventeen years. They have also taken advantage of the willful ignorance, childish immaturity, extreme gullibility, historical cluelessness, financial illiteracy and techno-narcissism of the populace to reverse practical legislation and prey upon irrational fears to strip the people of their constitutionally guaranteed liberties and freedoms. If you had told someone in 1996 the security measures, laws, and police agencies that would exist in 2013, they would have laughed you out of the room. Every crisis, whether government created or just convenient to their agenda, has been utilized by the oligarchs to expand the police state and benefit the crony capitalists that profit from its expansion. The character of the American people has been found wanting as they obediently cower and beg for protection from unseen evil doers. The propagandist corporate media reinforces their fears and instructs them to submissively tremble and implore the government to do more. The cosmic obliviousness and limitless sense of complacency of the general population with regards to a blatantly obvious coup by a small cadre of sociopathic financial elite and their army of bureaucrats, lackeys and jackboots is a wonder to behold.
The 1929 stock market crash and ensuing Great Depression was primarily the result of excessively loose Federal Reserve monetary policy during the Roaring 20’s and the unrestrained fraud perpetrated by the Wall Street banks. The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act was a practical 38 page law which kept Wall Street from ravenously raping its customers and the American people for almost seven decades. The Wall Street elite and their bought off political hacks in both parties repealed this law in 1999, while simultaneously squashing any effort to regulate the financial derivatives market. The day trading American public didn’t even look up from their computer screens. Over the next nine years Wall Street went on a fraudulent feeding frenzy rampage which brought the country to its knees and then held the American taxpayer at gunpoint to bail them out. The Federal Reserve arranged rescue of LTCM in 1998 gave the all clear to Wall Street that any risk was acceptable, since the Fed would always bail them out. Just as they did in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve set the table for financial disaster with excessively low interest rates and non-existent regulatory oversight.
The downward spiral of our empire towards an Orwellian/Huxley merged dystopian nightmare accelerated after the 9/11 attacks. Within one month those looking to exert hegemony over all domestic malcontents had passed the 366 page, 58,000 words Patriot Act. Did the terrified masses ask how such a comprehensive destruction of our liberties could be written in under one month? It is apparent to anyone with critical thinking skills that the enemy within had this bill written, waiting for the ideal opportunity to implement this unprecedented expansion of federal police power. Electronic surveillance of our emails, phone calls and voice mails, along with warrantless wiretaps, and general loss of civil liberties was passed without question under the guise of protecting us. Next was the invasion of a foreign country based upon lies, propaganda and misinformation without a declaration of war, as required by the Constitution. Our government began torturing suspects in secret foreign prisons. The shallow, self-centered, narcissistic, Facebook fanatic populace has barely looked up from texting on their iPhones to notice that we have been at war in the Middle East for eleven years, because it hasn’t interfered with their weekly viewing of Honey Boo Boo, Dancing With the Stars, or Jersey Shore. They occasionally leave their homes to wave a flag and chant “USA, USA, USA”, as directed by the media, when a terrorist like Bin Laden or Boston bomber is offed by our security services, but for the most part they can live their superficial vacuous lives of triviality unscathed by war.
The creation of the Orwellian Department of Homeland Security ushered in a further encroachment of our everyday freedoms. They attempted to keep the masses frightened through a ridiculous color coded fear index. Little old ladies, people in wheelchairs and little children are subject to molestation by lowlife TSA perverts. Military units conduct “training exercises” in cities across the country to desensitize the sheep-like masses, who fail to acknowledge that the U.S. military cannot constitutionally be used domestically. DHS considers military veterans, Ron Paul supporters, and Christians as potential enemies of the state. The use of predator drones to murder suspected adversaries in foreign countries, while killing innocent men, women and children (also known as collateral damage), has just been a prelude to the domestic surveillance and eventually extermination of dissidents and nonconformists here in the U.S. We are already becoming a 1984 CCTV controlled nation. DHS has been rapidly militarizing local police forces in cities and towns to supplement their jackbooted thugs. Obama’s executive orders have given him the ability to take control of industry. He can imprison citizens without charges for as long as he deems necessary. Attempts to control gun ownership and shutdown the internet is a prologue to further government domination and supremacy over our lives when the wheels come off this unsustainable bus.
The last week has provided a multitude of revelations about our government and the people of this country. The billions “invested” in our police state, along with warnings from a foreign government, and suspicious travel patterns were not enough for our beloved protectors to stop the Boston Marathon bombing. After stumbling upon these amateur terrorists by accident, the 2nd responders, with their Iraq war level firepower, managed to slaughter one of the perpetrators, but somehow allowed a wounded teenager to escape on foot and elude 10,000 donut eaters for almost 24 hours. The horde of heavily armed, testosterone fueled thugs proceeded to bully and intimidate the citizens of Watertown by illegal searches of homes and treating innocent people like criminals. The government completely shut down the 10th largest metropolitan area in the country for an entire day looking for a wounded 19 year old. The people of Boston obeyed their zoo keepers and obediently cowered in their cages.
The entire episode was an epic fail. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight needed an old man to find the bomber in his backyard boat. The people of Boston exhibited the passivity and subservience demanded by their government. Since the capture of the remaining terrorist, the shallow exhibitions of national pride at athletic events and smarmy displays of honoring the police state apparatchiks who screwed up – allowing the attack to occur and looking like the keystone cops during the pursuit of the suspects, has revealed a fatal defect in our civil character. We are living in a profoundly abnormal society, with millions of medicated mindless zombies controlled by a vast propaganda machine, who seemingly enjoy having their liberties taken away. Most have willingly learned to love their servitude. For those who haven’t learned, the boot of our vast security state will just stomp on their face forever. We’re realizing the worst dystopian nightmares of Orwell and Huxley simultaneously. This abnormalcy bias will dissipate over the next ten to fifteen years in torrent of financial collapse, war, bloodshed, and retribution. Sticking your head in the sand will not make reality go away. The existing social, political, and financial order will be swept away. What it is replaced by is up to us. Will this be the final chapter or new chapter in the history of this nation? The choice is ours.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
- George Orwell
- George Orwell

“There will be, in the next generation
or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude,
and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind
of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will
in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather
enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by
propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological
methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” -Aldous Huxley, 1961
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Lessons Not Learned From History
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -- George Santayana
Guest Post By Jack Mullen
Charles Dickens begins his book A Tale of Two Cities with the line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I doubt Dickens’ time could have look better or worse than our times now: let me explain.
We are witnessing a violent regurgitation of history never learned.
It's happening again, according to script in the same way as the last times - even discussing it seems cartoonish. When will mankind ever learn? Perhaps this is our last chance, our Hail Mary moment, because the enemy does learn and is about to lock the entire world in a grotesque, dystopian tyranny, using the same deceptions, recreated drama, clownish tricks, tactics and false flag fear used each time in the past. Only this time, it would seem the enemy has learned how to make it last.
It’s astounding the new(old) world tyranny would attempt, again, to use the same psychological deceptions and just plain tiring bromides to deceive Americans and the Western world into disarming and capitulating to iron-fisted tyranny; A tyranny busy in plain sight building a prison planet, a permanent residence for humanity - with no doors and no windows, only darkness.
From the Cradle to the Grave
For at least the past 600 years (and no doubt longer) the
financially super wealthy and so-called elite families (hereditarily
psychopaths) have been busy planning to capture the entire planet in a
web of tyranny which, for the first time in our recorded history, could
put the entire planet in the hands of those who believe they would be
The strategy has included a patient, slow planning and testing period using country after country as a laboratory for improving both technological and psychological tools for use in the final enslavement of the planetary population. The United States of America was chosen as the vehicle for the final 200+ years of wealth generation and technological improvements to fund and develop the entire package necessary for world domination.
Along the way many ancient secrets and previously failed ideas were tried again with improvements added to increase efficacy. So, rather than using physical methods to subdue large populations, chemical, biological, psychological, electrical and nano technologies are being implemented to create the perfect environment for total capture.
An important and necessary component of the total domination is the practical requirement that mankind assist in their enslavement. Over the years many failed philosophies and social ideologies have been marketed to humans as a way to enlist support of the psychopaths' plan. Collectivism has been one of the most successful ways to recruit weak, unprotected, minds into cooperating with their own enslavement.
Collectivist-based governments and social systems result in outstandingly miserable conditions and crippling losses of liberty; but, interestingly, when packaged and marketed properly, a majority of people will adopt and aggressively support the ideas. Human psychological frailties help maintain support for Collectivism, even when it becomes apparent it is a prison, a trap wherein victims have been collected as slaves.
Since collectivism has repeatedly been tried by tyrants attempting to control entire countries, there has been much written and many warnings previously issued exposing these ideas. Modern psychopaths have used education systems, food and water contaminants, and the proclivity for humans to become docile when constantly entertained, as a way to prevent this highly documented knowledge from passing generation to generation.
Those of us awake have to watch in continuing horror as Obama, intellectual heir of Marxist Frank Marshal Davis, and confidant of terrorist and communist activist Bill Ayers, makes speeches to college students and political rallies spewing the same second-hand communist propaganda spoken in former soviet Russia, communist China, communist Cuba and elsewhere. The rhetoric is entraining, delivered with the confidence of a trained actor, but the message is the same: “We are the government and we will take care of all of your needs from the cradle to the grave.”
A key word in this tired, communist, repetitive, repudiated, drone-on, is the grave; the grave will be the first stop for most of those standing and loudly supporting this fabricated deception.
The idea of the technocrats, bureaucrats, and our benevolent betters, controlling society is not a new thing. The “Just City” or “Utopia” or the “workers' paradise” or any other outright inversions of reality repeated and promulgated by serial liars, disguised as do-gooders, has been a plague on humankind since the time of Babylon. Plato in his famous bit of predictive prose The Republic envisioned a “Just City”, run by guardians, chosen at childhood and raised by the state to be the perfect caretakers of the lower classes. “Just City” was based on a communist model of shared property, including women, children raised by the State, and regimented societies managed by layers of bureaucracy . Children of inferior parentage would be left to die (sacrificed for the State.) Not surprisingly - Plato’s “Just City” is just the city psychopathic power tyrants would love to infest, and eventually occupy and rule. (See my article; “Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hands of Psychopaths” , linked below.)
After “Just City”, variations of Plato’s enlightened and intellectually pleasing, but reality-challenged ideas, came along, such as Thomas More’s Utopia, loosely resembling Plato’s idea, with communal property and legislated morality - basically a community, which at least aesthetically, is reminiscent of the communities in the movie The Hunger Games. Each of the 54 communities in the Utopian, “Utopia”, were broken down into groups of 30 communes controlled by a bureaucracy; a hierarchy of "managers" with absolute power over the commune.
Utopian schemes and sugar-coated derivatives typically feature control over sex, religion, choice of occupation, child raising, choices regarding what to think and believe, etc. Utopian ideas have been refined with years and years of “intellectual” improvements leading to modern police states, properly called technocracies, with technology aiding the controllers in relentless refinements in the control of humans. The primary ideas of police-state control zones based on "Utopian" delusions involve a total loss of individuality in subservience to a State or control paradigm. Utopias, ancient or modern, value uniformity over individuality with penalties for expressions of individuality.
Plato and More and many other contributors to ideas resulting in modern authoritarian police states (such as Rousseau, Marx etc.) are expressing symptoms of their own psychological pathology. How would it be consistent with man’s continued survival and ascendancy toward higher expressions of consciousness if the nature of living were to support a static uniformity while functioning as a component in a mechanized equivalent of a human bee hive? See the YouTube video in the references for a modern approach to an old Utopian idea. [A]
The crime of the intellectual establishment, generally funded by wealthy psychopathic elite, is ignoring the mental health of those espousing systems of human civilization which clearly have no benefit to the individual, or worse, these systems, in the long run, result in the destruction of the individual. It must be obvious being born an individual, as are all other men, implies a maximally individual experience is the natural goal and highest value of being alive.
The strategy has included a patient, slow planning and testing period using country after country as a laboratory for improving both technological and psychological tools for use in the final enslavement of the planetary population. The United States of America was chosen as the vehicle for the final 200+ years of wealth generation and technological improvements to fund and develop the entire package necessary for world domination.
Along the way many ancient secrets and previously failed ideas were tried again with improvements added to increase efficacy. So, rather than using physical methods to subdue large populations, chemical, biological, psychological, electrical and nano technologies are being implemented to create the perfect environment for total capture.
An important and necessary component of the total domination is the practical requirement that mankind assist in their enslavement. Over the years many failed philosophies and social ideologies have been marketed to humans as a way to enlist support of the psychopaths' plan. Collectivism has been one of the most successful ways to recruit weak, unprotected, minds into cooperating with their own enslavement.
Collectivist-based governments and social systems result in outstandingly miserable conditions and crippling losses of liberty; but, interestingly, when packaged and marketed properly, a majority of people will adopt and aggressively support the ideas. Human psychological frailties help maintain support for Collectivism, even when it becomes apparent it is a prison, a trap wherein victims have been collected as slaves.
Since collectivism has repeatedly been tried by tyrants attempting to control entire countries, there has been much written and many warnings previously issued exposing these ideas. Modern psychopaths have used education systems, food and water contaminants, and the proclivity for humans to become docile when constantly entertained, as a way to prevent this highly documented knowledge from passing generation to generation.
Those of us awake have to watch in continuing horror as Obama, intellectual heir of Marxist Frank Marshal Davis, and confidant of terrorist and communist activist Bill Ayers, makes speeches to college students and political rallies spewing the same second-hand communist propaganda spoken in former soviet Russia, communist China, communist Cuba and elsewhere. The rhetoric is entraining, delivered with the confidence of a trained actor, but the message is the same: “We are the government and we will take care of all of your needs from the cradle to the grave.”
A key word in this tired, communist, repetitive, repudiated, drone-on, is the grave; the grave will be the first stop for most of those standing and loudly supporting this fabricated deception.
The idea of the technocrats, bureaucrats, and our benevolent betters, controlling society is not a new thing. The “Just City” or “Utopia” or the “workers' paradise” or any other outright inversions of reality repeated and promulgated by serial liars, disguised as do-gooders, has been a plague on humankind since the time of Babylon. Plato in his famous bit of predictive prose The Republic envisioned a “Just City”, run by guardians, chosen at childhood and raised by the state to be the perfect caretakers of the lower classes. “Just City” was based on a communist model of shared property, including women, children raised by the State, and regimented societies managed by layers of bureaucracy . Children of inferior parentage would be left to die (sacrificed for the State.) Not surprisingly - Plato’s “Just City” is just the city psychopathic power tyrants would love to infest, and eventually occupy and rule. (See my article; “Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hands of Psychopaths” , linked below.)
After “Just City”, variations of Plato’s enlightened and intellectually pleasing, but reality-challenged ideas, came along, such as Thomas More’s Utopia, loosely resembling Plato’s idea, with communal property and legislated morality - basically a community, which at least aesthetically, is reminiscent of the communities in the movie The Hunger Games. Each of the 54 communities in the Utopian, “Utopia”, were broken down into groups of 30 communes controlled by a bureaucracy; a hierarchy of "managers" with absolute power over the commune.
Utopian schemes and sugar-coated derivatives typically feature control over sex, religion, choice of occupation, child raising, choices regarding what to think and believe, etc. Utopian ideas have been refined with years and years of “intellectual” improvements leading to modern police states, properly called technocracies, with technology aiding the controllers in relentless refinements in the control of humans. The primary ideas of police-state control zones based on "Utopian" delusions involve a total loss of individuality in subservience to a State or control paradigm. Utopias, ancient or modern, value uniformity over individuality with penalties for expressions of individuality.
Plato and More and many other contributors to ideas resulting in modern authoritarian police states (such as Rousseau, Marx etc.) are expressing symptoms of their own psychological pathology. How would it be consistent with man’s continued survival and ascendancy toward higher expressions of consciousness if the nature of living were to support a static uniformity while functioning as a component in a mechanized equivalent of a human bee hive? See the YouTube video in the references for a modern approach to an old Utopian idea. [A]
The crime of the intellectual establishment, generally funded by wealthy psychopathic elite, is ignoring the mental health of those espousing systems of human civilization which clearly have no benefit to the individual, or worse, these systems, in the long run, result in the destruction of the individual. It must be obvious being born an individual, as are all other men, implies a maximally individual experience is the natural goal and highest value of being alive.
Pathologies ranging from denial, reaction formation and victim identity cycle operating in the personality types of psychopaths can lead to projections of human personality disorders on physical systems in real life. Hitler, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others, are examples of psychological pathologies preying on the "intellectual" sanctification of neurotic “Utopian” ideas. Mentally ill minds projecting a distorted reality into real-world constructions ultimately result in classic tyranny and suffering by those affected.
Organizations can evolve from malignant ideas, resulting in dangerous life extinguishing paradigms enveloping whole societies as cults of death and misappropriating the human experience. The wealthy psychopathic elite use large monetary endowments and trusts to create, fund, direct and manipulate organizations based on mentally ill and malignant ideas.
As the ideas of Plato and More have been tried and failed, with each failure they have been refined and repackaged into something sounding even better than previous renditions. Words like Marxism (19th century) and Communism or workers' paradise (20th century renditions), have been upgraded to sustainable and environmentally responsible societies, promising happiness through serving others, living more austere and protecting the planet while serving a collective goal and authority. This claptrap has been created to appeal to "smart," socially responsible and trendy intellectual types that have already been programmed to find these kind of ideas attractive.
Publicly educated, modern "intellectuals" having been granted "degrees," representing knowledge, fully understand why it is important to support a belief their education and degrees are actually based on truth and real knowledge - they are not. The degrees are more akin to degrees of freemasonry or other occult, reality isolated, paradigms. The education is a narrative supporting the paradigm, called knowledge, since it represents knowledge of the paradigm.
So-called Liberals were yesterday’s communists and a former generation’s Utopians. Controlled education systems (think Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford foundations) ensure history is replaced with fiction, and thinking is reserved only for most deserving elite.
This plan guarantees well-educated (indoctrinated), taxpayer (slave) common folk can never know when these hereditary thieves regurgitate the same wholly repudiated body of fabricated "knowledge" and hurl it on the minds of the naive, once again achieving the predicted results.
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom. -- Dwight D. EisenhowerHow humiliating it is, that the majority of Americans have bought and paid for the same package of tyranny responsible for the American Revolution some 237 years ago. The same re-packaged garbage resulting in the murder of tens of millions of Russians while the psychopaths at the top promised a workers' paradise. The workers got paradise - they were quickly dispatched to kingdom come, while the grand architects of that workers' paradise reveled in what I call a psychopath's moment of ecstasy: the precise moment at which the bubble of deceit finds it largest diameter and explodes, exposing the victim to a tumultuous emotional mountain of pain.
When I look for these people, I look for someone to exploit, someone to expose all their weaknesses to themselves and leave them broken, hating themselves more than most of them already do. I enjoy causing people to realize the nasty truths of themselves (which is usually that they are pathetic lying individuals) even if I have to be hypocritical and lie myself in order to get my point across. -- a female psychopathThe psychopath’s moment of ecstasy happens as the deceiver is revealed to the deceived, with further criteria: the deceived is powerless to take any action.
To explain by example, and belabor the point, the psychopath’s moment of ecstasy is the moment when people discover the PATRIOT Act is not patriotic at all, but really the exact opposite, but, it is too late, Homeland Security is already at the door with goons and guns. It’s the moment food lovers learn the FDA is not about food safety, but rather about carefully concealing food poisons - oh but it’s too late, you just started chemo-therapy. It’s when you learn the government is not stockpiling weapons to fight terrorists - but rather they are the terrorists and the bullets are for Constitution-supporting real patriots. It's when it you fully understand that Obama Care is the end of health care, but it’s too late for you, because the death panel has just decided you are too old for a liver transplant.
The empathically devoid psychopath is not lovable, but he can be called a tireless worker - working for a crescendo moment such as when it’s learned "sensible and reasonable" gun control really means a sensible and reasonable way to disarm a population before using guns against them.
The same psychopaths writhe in ecstasy as Americans, when hearing North Korea announce the intention to launch nuclear weapons on America, are paralyzed in fear. Fear the psychopaths know will obscure the facts: North Korea is the least likely nation on Earth to be able to build nuclear weapons. North Korea is a fully devolved communist disaster; hungry, brain drained, ruled by a child video gamer - a nation destroyed from within by the same scourge once responsible for leaving the Soviets unable to produce even a working pair of gloves after their glorious Red Revolution.
Sure the NK have developed nukes, and they have anti-gravity flying machines, too. The point being, if the North Koreans have a working, deployable nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States, then it must be true the Western World, namely the United States, and the Western intelligence agencies, gave it to them to menace and terrorize, on cue, those very same Western countries. North Korea is nation-state incarnation of Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein - ready to attack and never stoppable.
America, the wealthiest nation on Earth and by far the most industrious of any in the past thousand years, should have been able to protect the minds of their children from careful and relentless manipulations of power-lusting psychopaths, which axiomatically are always awaiting the opportunity to create a crisis and take control. However, it is also true that advanced technology, both physical and psychological, has been developed using confiscated American money, through taxes and direct theft, and deployed in many paradigms to block and interfere with truth and dissemination of information.
Advances in mind control technology, developed in secrecy over the previous 100 years have resulted in sophisticated and subtle thought manipulation, with many channels to the mind, including electromagnetic (non visual), visual, language, chemical and other more exotic technologies, creating a false reality pulled over our heads.
The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look. -- CaesarThe history of the psychopath is the history of humanity, intertwined and revolving in a perpetual yin and yang. Like a double-stranded DNA spiral, the psychopath’s rise and fall corresponds to humanity's rise and fall. It is only at troughs, or after a civilization collapses, when people become aware of the psychopath's affect; but the knowledge is ephemeral, like memory of birth pains in a female, it fades away. Perhaps there is a deliberate, built-in biological blind spot, something genetically engineered into humans forcing an endless building and destruction and rebuilding again. Perhaps we are just amusements in the hands of an angry god, doomed to repetitive replay and violent regurgitation of the same story, over and over again.
Can it be so hard to remember that man is either self-responsible or the ward of another? Can it be so hard to retain and pass on the knowledge man must be able to protect himself in order to survive and reproduce, and therefore cannot be deprived of weapons for self-defense? Is it so hard to pass on to the next generation the “Wisdom of Insecurity”? Is the transference of self-responsibility to nameless collectors a fatal flaw in the expression of Earth’s humanity?
At this moment we are about to experience a historic psychopath's moment of ecstasy. As far as I know, this has happened on this planet over and over since time immemorial, with remains of advanced-civilizations-fallen littered around the globe as our possible proof.
The psychopath's moment of ecstasy is a period when the majority of the people on the planet are exposed to a hyperbolic explosion of a bubble of deceit - when reality comes rushing in as the oxygen of delusion is all consumed. It’s at this time humanity faces its greatest danger and simultaneously its greatest opportunity to grow and earn a rite of passage. It is the worst of times and it is the best of times.
Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n. -- John Milton, Paradise LostPart Two: Paradigms Lost
Paradigms of the past are cracking; the gigantic sound of
twisted metal and concrete creaking and falling to the ground can be
heard by anyone awake and aware. Most sense something - but what? Most
have a viewpoint based on a view of life -- likely a view derived from
the prison of paradigms now lost.
The awakening is approaching and paradigms of deception are coming down all around. It is complicated, in my mind, to explain the race underway - the race between hard-working psychopaths, intelligent indeed; planners and patient no doubt; and the lazy, life-go-lucky, "normal-paths" (my made-up word) who are starting to see the writing on the wall. This is an important race, not just for the sheep on their way to slaughter, but for the wolves, carefully and jealously incubating and nurturing this long-term plan now about to un-cloak.
The psychopaths have arranged for a defining moment of ecstasy - an extended ecstasy, because the diameter of the bubble of deception is larger than at any time in recorded history.
But not only does the psychopath have his moment, normal-paths, too, will experience an emotional thunder as paradigms once thought immutable vanish as vapor. The depth of the psychopath's experience is dependent on the emotional expression of the normal-path; an experience maximized as the distance between reality and delusion most are suffering is maximized.
Paradigms created over thousands of years for occulted purposes of collecting and harvesting human energies are now being exposed and the result will challenge humanity's ability to cope, assimilate and recover. Some, but by no means all, of the paradigms up for exposure include:
[ Paradigm == Reality ]
The awakening is approaching and paradigms of deception are coming down all around. It is complicated, in my mind, to explain the race underway - the race between hard-working psychopaths, intelligent indeed; planners and patient no doubt; and the lazy, life-go-lucky, "normal-paths" (my made-up word) who are starting to see the writing on the wall. This is an important race, not just for the sheep on their way to slaughter, but for the wolves, carefully and jealously incubating and nurturing this long-term plan now about to un-cloak.
The psychopaths have arranged for a defining moment of ecstasy - an extended ecstasy, because the diameter of the bubble of deception is larger than at any time in recorded history.
But not only does the psychopath have his moment, normal-paths, too, will experience an emotional thunder as paradigms once thought immutable vanish as vapor. The depth of the psychopath's experience is dependent on the emotional expression of the normal-path; an experience maximized as the distance between reality and delusion most are suffering is maximized.
(Jessup) You want answers.
(Kaffee) I want the truth.
(Jessup) You can’t handle the truth. **The paradigms of our false reality are all lies.
Paradigms created over thousands of years for occulted purposes of collecting and harvesting human energies are now being exposed and the result will challenge humanity's ability to cope, assimilate and recover. Some, but by no means all, of the paradigms up for exposure include:
[ Paradigm == Reality ]
Government ==
- Enslavement for profit and lust of control, psychopaths' pretended necessity to keep man safe. Primary uses include creating constant turmoil, confusion, periodic war and wealth transference.
- Mind control, suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanity's history, suppressing technology and historical science. Polarizing diverse cultures against each other. Creating diversity that can be exploited for maximum division of groups.
- Long-term illness for profit, suppressing natural cures providing for manufactured symptom management.
- Disinformation, confusion, support of false paradigms.
- Suppression and control of powerful knowledge including energy systems and the history of humanity.
- Limit human knowledge, preventing full understanding of reality, supporting profitable false paradigms of limited energy.
- Suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanity's history, suppressing the knowledge that man does not require authorities to live free and happy, suppressing knowledge that energy is free and all around. Suppressing knowledge about our neighbors in the universe.
- Deceit. The psychopaths are masters of the authority figure, the icon producers, exchanging trust for pseudo-intellectual symbols of trust - wooden nickels and tungsten-filled gold, a stethoscope and lab jacket.
- A prison. Security provided by the psychopaths is false. It is the deliberate destruction of all security in trade for liberties and payable in horror and fear.
- Complete fraud, millenniums-old scam purposely skimming wealth in small degrees over short periods of time while siphoning all wealth over long periods. A system of enslavement requiring the complete surrender of economic power or wealth to the banking conglomerate. It is a special Alchemy of turning the psychopath’s empty desire into gold (humanity's gold.)
Is there time to stop this ticking bomb ? No, but there is time to change the ending and use this opportunity to tear down all the old paradigms and begin again. Because the greatest fear of the psychopaths is: Humanity will use their work and years of preparation against them - right at the moment when the trap is sprung.
I think the universe, or God or whomever each of us believes has our best interest in mind, has created an opening, a last-minute possible escape, but it is only available if enough of us wake up, shake it off, see it for what it is, and then use it for everyone’s benefit; turning it back on our oppressors and taking back our birth right to life.
The paradigms lost were actually paradigms of enslavement and must be lost if humanity is to grow, once and forever, past this game of dominator and dominated and ascend into a world of intellectual, spiritual and individual enlightenment. If we are to grow beyond the fear of insecurity, while learning to not need false comfort from controllers, and then renounce the need for some authority to offer the way, humanity will finally be able to leave the nest and self-actualize into its destiny.
Now, as the psychopaths bring down the paradigms looking for fear and resignation, preying on emotional collapse; as financial systems are destroyed and our perceived means of protections fall away; as claims to property and other rights are repudiated and religions fail to rapture; as the psychopaths pretend unimaginable emergencies and bring false flag destruction and murder: now is the time to let go of the paradigms lost.
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. -- BuddhaIt is at this juncture between an end of one package of paradigms and a new paradigm, when mankind can release the chains, lose the paradigms of enslavement and regain responsibility for our own lives. As the fog of deception and the depravity of enslavement give way to reason and truth, it will become clear nothing has actually been taken away; our resources are still here and intact, and no contracts signed tacitly or under duress are valid - our souls will be free and the veil of a false reality will fall, revealing a world of infinite possibilities.
For the first time in recorded history, the races of humanity can lose the paradigms of racial division, exacerbated for purposes of division by the psychopaths, and join together to fight a common enemy. The comments of Ronald Reagan regarding mankind’s need to come together in the event of an alien invasion, is actually a bit of predictive programming and can be used to overcome racial differences by recognizing we all have a common enemy now and we must come together.
The paradigms are lost and we can shout hallelujah and thank the psychopaths for bringing our souls to cleansing, for unlocking our sleeping minds to knowledge and spiritual enlightenment and the realization enough is really enough.
The co-evolution of humanity with the psychopath can now end, and those that served the purposes of evil personified are finished and mankind can be freed from this parasite; the yin and yang of construction to destruction, over and over, completed and its purpose fulfilled.
Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away. -- Dickens, A Tale of Two CitiesIf only we open our eyes and see the opportunity. It is here right now and it will seem like a long time as the opening appears before closing - but the door to enlightenment will close soon enough again, and without courage and fortitude and willingness to push the boundaries of our paradigms now lost, it will close without us, perhaps forever.
Here are a few things that might help pry open the doors of our perception so we can “break on through through to the other side”.
Axiom: Psychopaths exist and are actively seeking to control and enslave your life.
- Institutions based on trust alone will never be trustworthy.
- Liberty traded for security will result in neither.
- A child’s best and first champions are his and her parents.
- Only coercion-free competition can regulate a market.
- There is no such thing as the public interest.
- There is no public interest in national interests.
- There are only individual interests.
- Organized religion was organized for mind control.
- Mandatory education systems funded by coerced payments will teach support of the system.
- Mandatory health care will eventually kill you.
- All men and women should be armed.
- Cartels benefit only those in the cartel.
- Patents and copyrights can be no longer than a generation (i.e. less than 20 years).
- Words have definitions and will be used to deceive.
- Knowledge is power and knowledge will be hoarded.
- Individuals must continuously self-educate.
- Democracy is a tool of the psychopath.
- Truth must be the highest virtue.
- If groups must operate in secrecy they have something to hide.
- Property taxes mean you do not own your property.
- Income taxes are slavery.
- Contract, maritime, and private law are legal fictions used to deceive.
- Psychopaths will always work to eliminate competition.
- Prohibitions will be used as protection for systems above the law.
- The prohibitors will become the pusher.
- Legislating morality will increase corruption and immoral behavior.
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few.
The Masque of Anarchy, Percy Shelley
Darkness, Darkness
Hide my yearning
For the things I cannot be
Keep my mind from constant turning
Toward the things I cannot see now.
-- The Youngbloods
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. -- Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities* "Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hand of the psychopaths",
** A Few Good Men
[A] Planned-Opolis:
General References:
Republic, Plato, Simon and Brown, January 13, 2013, ISBN:1613823703
Utopia, Thomas More, Simon and Brown, February, 27, 2012,ISBN:1613822480
Death by Gun Control:The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament, Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens, Mazel Freedom Press, Inc (January 1, 2001), ISBN:0964230461
Death by Government, R.J.Rummel,Transaction Publishers (January 1, 1997),ISBN:1560009276
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith, Adventures Unlimited Pr (August 2003), ISBN:1931882215
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - A Chronological Paper Trail, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Conscience Press, 1999
The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin, Amer Media, 2010
Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley, M.D., 1941,PDF:
Political Ponerology, Andrew Lobaczewski, , Red Pill Press, Canada,1998, 2006
"Almost Human", Laura Knight-Jadczyk, New Leaf Distribution Company, 2009
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths, Robert Hare, 1999, The Guilford Press
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Philip Zimbardo, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint, January 22, 2008, ISBN: 0812974441
The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan W. Watts, Vintage Books, 1951
The Doors Of Perception: Heaven and Hell, Aldous Huxley, Frontal Lobe Publishing, April 22, 2011, ISBN:1907590099
“Break on Through (to the Other Side)” , The Doors, The Doors, January 4, 1967
We The Living, Ayn Rand, NAL Trade, 75 Anv edition, June 28, 2011, ISBN:0451233263
Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company.
The Goal Is To Destroy All Constitutional Culture

Guest Post by Brandon Smith
In America, our cultural method of debate tends to divide individual issues into carefully separated spheres of discussion. This hyperfocus on single issues, from gun rights to illegal wars to invasion of privacy, draws us away from looking at the bigger interconnected picture, otherwise known as the “macro.” Each social or political conflict is compartmentalized by the mainstream, the dots are left isolated and the overwhelming overall threat to our foundational principles is marginalized.
The problem with this civic philosophy is that the general public is left without peripheral vision and unequipped to comprehend that there is a process in motion, an overarching plan that is eating away at the edges of our liberty from every angle, one small piece at a time. That is to say, we have been conditioned to obsess over the pieces and ignore the plan.
I want you to imagine the globalist establishment and the useful socialist idiots it employs as a hive of ants lurking in the grass around a bountiful picnic basket you (or your forefathers) worked very hard to procure. Now, one ant snatches a single crumb and races away, and you think to yourself that losing that one crumb is not such a sacrifice. A few more ants pilfer crumbs, and you shrug it off. A dozen more arrive, and you start to worry a little but are still too lazy to pull out the Raid. The rest of the hive sees your apathy and attacks, gobbling everything in a swarm of single-minded destruction. Left with nothing, you sit dumbfounded and hungry, wondering where you went wrong. The truth is, you went wrong with the first ant.
Not only are personal wealth and property ransacked by the collective in this way, but also personal freedom.
Every time a smaller attack on liberty is exposed or openly announced by the cult of statism, elitists invariably respond with a false face of rationality and common sense. They claim that they respect the line. They claim that they will take only the minimum. They claim that they are pursuing only a reasonable compromise. They expound on the “virtues” of their motives. They sing songs of unity, brotherhood and the greater good. They appeal to our diplomatic side; and if that doesn’t work, they try to shame us instead for being “selfish” or “ignorant” of so-called “social progress.” But this never has been and never will be about social progress.
Their goal is not to introduce greater understanding or awareness. It is not about public good or public safety. And at the very core, it is not about truth. If they cared about truth or principle and if their objectives were honorable, they would not feel the need to constantly lie, cheat, steal, manipulate and threaten in an effort to impose their own worldview on the rest of us. If their purpose was as righteous as they pretend, then deceit and subversion should be beneath them. Their philosophy should be able to carry itself, without their convoluted efforts.
The power elites and the people who blindly follow them are not interested in being on the right side. They are interested only in being on the winning side, and the two are certainly not the same. In the end, the result they covet most is not to achieve compromise on Constitutional ideals, but to achieve total and unequivocal destruction of those ideals. They seek to erase our heritage from history, along with those of us who value it. They want to annihilate Constitutional culture.
Through the efforts of the liberty movement, many Americans are now at least loosely aware of such issues as the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the designation of anyone — including American citizens — as enemy combatants subject to the laws of war, thus destroying the Constitutional right to due process and trial by jury. They have witnessed the vicious trampling of the 4th Amendment and our right to privacy through legislation like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. They have been confronted with the gross tyranny of Barack Obama’s executive assassination lists and predator drone fetish. They are aware of the existence of Department of Defense efforts to remove all vestiges of Posse Comitatus and allow standing military authority in the United States through the U.S. Northern Command (Northcom).
All of these things are clearly part of a violent war on our Constitutional rights, but what about the more subtle poison being introduced under the surface? The first place to look is always in your child’s school.
In Duvall County, Fla., the father of a 10-year-old boy discovered his son had been asked by a teacher to write and sign this statement as part of a school project:
“I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.”
When questioned on the purpose of directing fourth-graders to sign such a statement, the school district argued that the students participated in the activity of their own free will and that the lesson was designed to “create an awareness of the five rights contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” and help students “determine their opinions on which rights they value most and least.”
First of all, let’s be honest; I went through public schooling, and anyone else who went through it knows as well as I do that almost nothing within the public school system is treated as voluntary. Threats, fearmongering and mob mentality are all used by State teachers all across the country daily to manipulate and terrorize children into submitting to the program. As a nostalgic refresher, re-examine the incident in a North Carolina school in which a teacher screamed down a student who criticized Obama, claiming that people “could be arrested” for speaking ill of the President.
Secondly, if the teacher in Duvall County was looking to encourage students to “think critically” about their Constitutional rights, then perhaps it would have been helpful to educate them on what those rights are. Unfortunately, the children had not been given practical lessons on their rights before being asked to abandon them for “safety.”
This is a perfect example of the indoctrination process in action. While the gun rights issue has brought the politicization of public schools out in the open, with federalized education centers punishing children across the Nation for merely playing with imaginary guns or talking about toy guns, the real target is not the gun issue for the establishment. The real target is all Constitutional thought.
Perhaps this is why the methodology of home-schooling has been so demonized by the mainstream, and why Ron Paul’s latest home-schooling initiative is already being attacked as “Christian fundamentalism.” The real reason the establishment’s panties are in a twist is simple; they do not like the idea of parents being able to compose their child’s own curriculum and, thus, remove anti-Constitutional conditioning from their daily lives.
The erasure of Constitutional culture has spread far beyond schooling, however.
The city of New Rochelle, N.Y., has demanded a local veterans’ post take down its Gadsden flag, a flag in existence since the Revolutionary War, because it has been adopted as a symbol of the Tea Party. The city council, led by Democratic Mayor Noam Bramson, voted to remove the flag after voicing concerns about the flag’s message.
Obama sycophant and hardcore big-government mouthpiece Bill Maher this week stated that the left (neo-liberals) needs to stop being afraid of its true goal in the gun debate — to dissolve the 2nd Amendment — rather than play at compromise.
“I’m so sorry, but this is the problem with the gun debate — it is that it’s a constant center-right debate,” Maher said. “There’s no left in this debate. Everyone on the left is so afraid to say what should be said, which is the Second Amendment is bullshit. Why doesn’t anyone go at the core of it?”
My response would be: “Yes, please do admit your true goals, gun grabbers and opponents of civil liberties. At least be honest about your fascist intentions so that we can stop playing games and have a real eye to eye debate (or fight) on the subject.:
And finally, NASCAR has come under siege by anti-2nd Amendment legislators as well as the media in general for allowing the National Rifle Association to endorse races. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called on broadcasters to block transmissions of the NRA 500 because it would bring national attention to gun rights while the Senate is legislating for gun control (which, in his opinion, is bad).
Perhaps this is purely coincidental, but the timing of this stance against NASCAR’s support of gun culture has arisen right as Oath Keepers, a Constitutional organization dedicated to teaching current serving military, veterans and law enforcement about civil liberties and the affirmation of their oath, announced it is working with racecar driver Jeffrey Earnhardt to bring an Oath Keepers-sponsored vehicle to the NASCAR track.
While some people may not care less about NASCAR or even the 2nd Amendment, I would point out that through the gun issue, the establishment is ultimately undermining the holy grail of the 1st Amendment. If gun rights speech and culture can be silenced in the name of “safety” or “compassion,” then why not any other belief?
This problem of selective free-speech has now been exacerbated by the Boston Marathon Bombings. Oath Keepers had planned and already received a permit for a high profile rally at Lexington Green in Massachusetts (a public venue where one should not need a permit to rally anyway), but the bombings opened the door for the Lexington Board (one member had been trying to undermine the rally from it's inception) to revoke the event. The excuse given was, of course, that it was for everyone's "safety", and that not enough police were available to secure it. Though, a secondary event in a nearby town remains approved with little to no trouble. The right to free speech is NOT subject to the intensity of the times, it is sacrosanct. Period. However, many in government today believe that they can rescind our Constitutional liberties whenever the public is distracted enough by disaster.
Incidents like these by themselves do not necessarily seem like an imminent threat to the freedoms of average citizens; but, taken together as a flurry of strategic movements, they represent a full spectrum attack on the very pillars of our founding structure. Throughout history, when conquerors wished to fully dominate a population, they would seek to slowly subsume the people’s mythology and principles. They would attempt to co-opt cultural ideas and values, twisting them into something completely different or wiping them from memory altogether. When the people lose their traditions and heritage, they become easier to mold and rule. This is exactly what is happening in the United States today: an ideological colonization that views Constitutional life as a mortal enemy and hopes to obliterate it from the pages of time.
You can contact Brandon Smith at:
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