of http://www.abundanthope.net/
G'day cobbers,
I get the impression that some forum posters think nothing is more
important than being negative about AH and its goals. If I were in
their situation I would be packin' death about what the future holds –
especially for those living in the good old US of A. IF one truly
believes that US-style 3D life is all there is one needs to get into
ECONOMIC COLLAPSE mode FKN quickly. There ain't much time left.
Currently the U.S. economy is poised to perform a magical disappearing
Many of the problems that sank the Soviet Union now endanger the US.
For instance, like the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, it has a huge,
well-equipped and very expensive military bogged down fighting Muslim
freedom fighters in foreign lands. Also, energy shortfalls linked to
peaking oil production and horrendously unfavourable capital account
and trade balances is resulting in runaway foreign debt. Add to that a
delusional self-image, an inflexible ideology, and unresponsive,
totally corrupt authoritarian judicial and political systems.
When supported by corrupt judicial and political systems economic
arrangements can continue through sheer inertia well after they become
untenable. But eventually the tide of fraudulent practices, broken
promises and failed corporate activities flushes it down the drain.
The US economy and society currently floats on the false assumption
that it is possible to perpetually borrow increasing sums of money
from the rest of the world, to pay for ever-increasing manufacturing
and energy imports, while the price of those imports steadily
escalates. In particular the US economy and polity floats on the
notion that free money (fiat petro-dollars and US Treasury notes) will
always be able to buy energy imports from foreign lands. This use of
free money equates to FREE energy. But good things don't last forever
and so the US's free petro-dollar scam is a transient condition. Once
the US dollar loses its world reserve currency status based on its
role as the petro-dollar (as is now happening) the flow of FREE energy
to the US will cease and much of the US economy will be forced to shut
Fuel shortages will precipitate shortages of food, medicine, and
countless consumer items, outages of electricity, gas, and water,
breakdowns in transportation systems and other infrastructure,
hyperinflation, widespread shutdowns and mass layoffs, along with a
lot of despair, confusion, violence, and lawlessness. Moreover, there
is no evidence that the US governing elite has any grand rescue plans
or innovative technology programs with which to prevent the coming
socio-economic catastrophe, nor does US society evince any signs of
manifesting any miracles of social cohesion during the impending
economic implosion.
US society is based on money. In the coming economic collapse the
governing elite is already fuelling that collapse by pumping excessive
quantities of virtual (credit) money into the banking system. The
result will be hyperinflation, which wipes out savings. As oil and
other import prices escalate they will be accompanied by rampant
unemployment, which wipes out incomes. The result is a population that
is largely penniless.
As most employment in the US is in the private sector, the transition
to permanent unemployment of much of the workforce is likely to be
sudden as businesses rapidly shed workers in an effort to stay viable,
or go into liquidation.
In the US very few people own their place of residence free and clear,
and even if they do they need an income to pay real estate and other
taxes. So, people without an income face homelessness. When the
economy collapses, very few people will continue to have an income, so
homelessness will become rampant. Add to that the motor vehicle (mv)
dependent lifestyle in most US cities and the countryside, and the
result of mass unemployment can only be mass migrations of homeless
people, mostly towards city centres.
The US population is almost entirely mv-dependent, and relies on
markets that control oil importation, refining, and distribution. They
also rely on continuous public investment in road construction and
repair. Also motor vehicles require a steady stream of imports of both
parts and whole vehicles neither of which are designed to last very
long. When these intricately inter-dependent systems stop functioning
the bulk of the US population will be virtually immobilised as public
transport systems are negligible.
US families generally tend to be atomized, geographically dispersed
and unused to sharing. Families unused to sharing in good times are
likely to find it very difficult to co-operate in bad times.
Competitiveness and personal isolation tend to be endemic already and
economic collapse is unlikely to cure these attitudes and situations.
Economic collapse tends to shut down both local production and
imports, and so it is vitally important that anything you own wears
out slowly, and that you or someone in your family or community (if
you have one to call on) can fix it if it breaks. This is another
reason why AH is exhorting people to develop their community
In the US most people get their food from a supermarket, which is
supplied from far away using refrigerated diesel trucks. Many people
also eat fast food. When people do cook, they rarely cook from
scratch. Apart from being unhealthy, these habits will cease to be
viable if super markets and fast food sellers are unable to get food
supplies from distant places. On the positive side, obesity will cease
to be a problem for most people.
US health care is for profit. Once the economy collapses, the profit
ceases, as will most of the services it motivates.
This article is based on the information in the article "Closing the
'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US"
by Dmitry Orlov Published on 4 Dec 2006 by Energy Bulletin. Archived
on 4 Dec 2006. See http://www.energybulletin.net/23259.html
Orlov's article compares and contrasts the situation of the Soviet
Union when it collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s with the
situation in the US at the end of 2006. In my opinion this article is
a MUST READ for anyone seriously concerned about surviving the
impending economic difficulties facing the population of the US in the
near future.
Orlov says, rightly in my view, that a new subsistence/barter economy
emerges almost immediately in the aftermath of an economic collapse,
whatever its cause.
The scenario discussed by Orlov is predicated upon the current 3D
economic situation, absent ANY Earth changes or other physical
catastrophes that could create or exacerbate it.

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
Read Original Article Here
Detailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found Here
Orlov is a smart dude! We should all listen and be aware!
ReplyDeleteDear Ron
ReplyDeleteThank you for your article. Your assessment is very reasonable. We have witnessed in the past 30 years a steadily increasing World economy. Olduvai Theory considers available energy per individual alive. World population relentlessly increases and reserves of cheaply extractable oil and gas are becoming depleted. The World economic system reaches an apex and then spiral quickly down as the decline become self-reinforcing. This trend is very clearly discerniable in the USA. To solve the problem requires either:
(a) a rapid decline in World population, thereby boosting energy available per person remaining alive; or
(b) introduction of energy-saving technologies to provide the same functionality as formerly energy-guzzling technologies; or
(c) a paradigm shift in energy production.
There are solutions to (c) (for example 4th-generation breeder Thorium reactors)but the investment to switch over to such nuclear power systems should have been started 15 years ago at least. The FEMA camps in the USA stand ready for depopulating the USA; the millions of black plastic coffins stand ready. Item (b) isbeing worked upon, the the average US citizens appears not to be keep in adopting such energy-saving technology (i.e. people are still buying and driving around in big SUV, Hummers and such like).
... cont.
ReplyDeleteThere is little hope for the USA. There was circa a year or two ago a secret sitting of the US Government when I suspect the aforementioned was discussed. Senators et al. came out of the meeting angry and in a state of disgust regarding what they heard. Many US Government senators probably did not want to believe what they heard.
There will be great suffering. Fundamental principles of greed and caring for ones' fellow citizen will again come into the forefront rather the hitherto "me, me, me" self-centred focus which has distinguished the US economy in previous years.
There is no easy solution. A rapid or gradual decline is inevitable and major changes in society and peoples' attitude will be required to cope with the situation. The waste and superfluousness of the financial services sector will need to be addressed, as moe focus is required for real technical reasearch and development which provide real growth in society rather than the financial services activity which merely substantially serves to distribute wealth but not really create it.
Wall Street lavishes in bonuses as the rest of the USA suffers severely. Eventually the decline will rwach Wall Street and then the financial people will begin to appreciate the seriousness of the present situation. Financial aggregates have lost their link to the real physical World which causes disfunction and eventual chaos. The create a state of order requires energy as the energy flows to a low energy sink (namely a fundamental issue in thermodynamics). When the amount of energy decines, such a high state of order can no longer be supported as all society falls into a greater state of entropy. This is exactly whayt is happening in the USA. If the size of the system is reduced, less available energy can create a higher state of order in smaller system. The US health reform thus is focused at causing a rapid decline in US population; some people will be sacrificing their lives unwillingly to allow the system as a whole to sirvive. Such concepts were also presented around the year 1940 in germany int eh Nazi regime; nothing has essentially changed, and the fundamental principles are as pertinent today as they were in the 1940's.
ReplyDeleteWe are thus in for real trouble and there are no easy fixes. What is perhaps sad is that the US politicians have been so hshort-sighted or ignorant that they have not seemingly understood the fundamental philosophical issues underpinning the present state of decline.
There are good solutions. There is no need for the forthcoming likely suffering. However, the presen politicians are insufficient calibre to appreciate the real issues and offer policies which provide genuine viable solutions.
I would propose:
(a) wipe out the fictious debt (derivatives products, hedge funds, credit default swaps);
(b) instroduce a rapid switch to nuclear power, especially advanced breeder technology nuclear reactors;
(c) draw troops back from the Middle East, anemly from Iraq and Iran;
(d) end globalization and move towards a configuration of clustered "localization";
(e) introduce a necessary and rigorously-enforced one-child-per-family policy as in China;
(f) restrict private automobile use and develop public transport rapidly;
(g) increase use of recycling;
(h) enhance energy efficiency, for example better building thermal insulation, more efficient small-engine vehicles;
(i) repair and upgrade things rather than just throwing away;
(j) have fixed exchange rates which are only adjusted occasionally to prevent wasteful currency speculation that just wastes resources;
(k) encourage values which give meaning to life other than consumerism which just creates greed;
(l) strive for steady-state peace rather than pursuing an international policy of strife, war and destruction.
...cont ...
ReplyDeleteMany people advocate such approaches already. However, the energy and population issue are now becoming so serious that we need to execute virtually all the above points if we are really to have a decent future on Earth.
Thank you for reading my response here.
Kind regards
Dr Tim Norris
The Mass Exodus of mmigrants beginning in 2007, from the U.S. in advance of the comming E-verify Law, and the I.C.E. Deportaion/Incarceration Programs, of the hardest most devoted workers in the U.S. after being a Strong part of the Economy for nearly thirty years, and even away from their "Legal" Citizen Children is what "Triggered the Forclosure Crisis, and is absolutely responsible for the Economic Crash of America!
ReplyDeleteMy Home town of Mesa Arizona, also the Town of the E-verify Sponsor, U.S. Sen. Russel Pearce has been dubbed the "Epicenter of the Forclosure Crisis in America"!
This is No Co-incidence!
It has been litterally vacated by Good, hard working Immigrant Families.
The States that Deported or Starved away their Hard Working "Human" Tax Base are now in Total Economic Collapse!
These States now have Massive Excesses of Government Services, and Massive vacated dwellings, making them Overbuilt, completly Halting Const. and Growth, costing Millions of Americans thier Const. jobs, and causing Massive State Budget Shortfalls!
Keep "Bailing", it will simply "Bounce Back".
Fact is: The HARD LABOR these Immigarants Gladly do, Supports ALL other American Jobs!
A very wise 1840's French Historian said: "America is great because it is good, when it ceases to be good, it ceases to be great."
Thanx Mr. Pearce, and now Mrs. Governor by Default Brewer!
These are two of my fellow Az. Mormons.
Mrs. Brewer says: "We are a Land of Laws." " All Laws."
This is funny to me, early Mormons rather than abide by the "Law of the Land" in Illinios, regarding Poligamy, chose to Flee/Migrate to the West away from the "Law of the Land".
The Church eventually divided, and the Re-organized branch still practices Poligamy, the other Branch obstains from that practice now, however never admitted what they had done was wrong or "illegal", and still worship the origional Church Leaders that were "Poligamests."
"Choose The Right"?
"May he with out sin cast the first stone."
I guess Mrs Default Brewer really meant we are a "land of one law" the one that she, Pearce, and their White Supremest/Neo-Nazi Buddies want enforced , after thirty years of ignoring it intentionally.
The U.S. Border Patrol even used to maintain water stations in the U.S. Desert to help these good hard working Immigrants get here.
This is because America is "Good".
To: Good and Brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.
America has a right to enforce her borders. Along with the "hard working immigrants" there
ReplyDeleteare also serious criminals entering our country.
I don't think border enforcement has anything to
do with being a White Supremist/Neo Nazi. You
really should do your research on the subject.
ReplyDeleteA New Economic Philosophy with a Human Face
(MY Contribution to MY People of MY Planet)
(1). Economy :
Happiness of the people is the real economy of a nation and all other things are traps.
(2). Economics :
The mechanism that makes the people happy is called economics.
(3). Misapprehensions :
GDP, Forex, Sensex and Inflation are not elements of economy; therefore they cannot measure the economy of a nation.
(4). Inflation :
Inflation is the market-exaggerated-disproportion in the production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and wealth. Therefore, this planning-sensitive element is not a relevant parameter for effective assessment of the economy of a nation since the imbalances disappear either by planting preventive measures or timely corrective actions or permanently installed system-controls for timely actuation of precisely installed regulators.
(5). Economist:
Agriculture is the epicentre of economy, thus, no nation can survive if its farmer is suffering since agriculture and the mechanics of economics are the two reactants rigidly controlling and producing the final product generally being referred to as “Economy”, which too, is directly proportional to the speed at which a nation moves its men, material and money and, is accurately measurable for specifying its index by an economist who has sensibly blended fundamentals with commonsense and constantly qualifying himself as a precise tool for the intended job.
(6). Numbers & Digits:
Economists not isolating economy and economics from numbers and digits are destroying their nations.
(7). Economic policies:
Evaluate first, then adopt and finally adapt since economics is a subjective subject with objectives subjective and role-sensitive.
(8). Wealth:
Wealth can neither be created nor destroyed, but it transforms into several forms and possesses enormous potential to alter the dynamics of economics, its misplacement or displacement causes proportionate degree of imbalances in the economy of the nation.
(9). Money:
Money accumulation does not mean wealth acquisition since money seldom measures the strength of a nation or individual, more so, yellow metal.
(10). Real asset value of a nation:
Money in circulation is the real asset value of a nation since it is the only asset working for the nation, hence, the higher the better.
(11). Cooperation:
Cooperation is the orthocentre of economy and is directly proportional to the need and inversely proportional to the greed of the nations. Nations necessarily viewing cooperation as basic necessity become all-time rich.
(12). Bedrocks of economic growth:
Fair play, benefit-balancing and cooperation are the keystones that accelerate economic growth - destroying them is destroying nations.
NVSN Murthy, Independent Research Scientist
A temporary visitor on earth re-scripting fundamentals.
(13). Governance:
ReplyDeleteBusiness is not the business of the government. Therefore, nations must not involve in any commercial activity since their only business is governance, policy making, administration, safety and security of the people, food and health security, draught and flood control, conservation of wildlife and forests, pollution and inflation control, infrastructure development, environmental protection, public service, standardization, rationalization and simplification of rules, regulations and procedures.
(14). Farmer’s Role:
Politicians in power seldom comeback to power by ignoring farmer, politicians aspiring power seldom come to power by ignoring farmer, political parties ignoring farmer do not survive.
(15). Present status of economics:
Economics became Agonymics since politicians removed economics from social science and merged it with power politics to suit their convenience. Therefore, economics no more deals with production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and wealth.
(16). Politics:
Accurate diagnosis and wrong prescription are the ethics of politics.
(17). Invasion:
Politicians invaded the theory & principles of economy and economics, therefore, these vital topics are no more understandable.
(18). Poverty Allotment:
Politicians reserved poverty for the poor and prosperity for themselves.
(19). Poverty Alleviation:
Poverty alleviation elevated politicians and eliminated the poor.
(20). Cost of Nothing:
Nothing is free in this world since everything comes from nothing.
Nothing is free in this world though everything comes from nothing.
(21). Cost of Price:
Since everything comes from nothing, the initial cost of everything is zero, as the value adds up, so does the price.
(22). Nation’s Health:
Wealth is not a measure of nation’s health.
(23). Speed Means Growth:
The economic growth of a nation is directly proportional to the speed at which the nation moves its men, material and money. However, safety and cost-effectiveness are vital considerations.
(24). Wear:
Wear is the single largest employer of our on earth. Also, it is the biggest controller of economy and economics of our world.
(25). Remuneration:
The more you give, the more you get – both remuneration and satisfaction.
(26). Nature (The Greatest Teacher on Earth):
Nations adopting nature’s laws become healthy.
(27). Global Peace Pill:
ReplyDeleteDo not do for others what you do not want others to do for you.
Adopt “LoveAll-HateNone“philosophy originated from Humanity, therefore Humanity is the essence of all religions, faiths and philosophies of our acquisitive world.
Most importantly, for all those who believe in God, Humanity is the visible form of God.
There is God in everyone; we need eyes to see Him.
We acquire everything only to carry nothing.
A true religious mind knows no religion since GOD knows no religion.
No one is bad since everyone belongs to God.
We ask what we want, God gives what we need.
Laws not built on humanity do not last longer.
There is God within, we need humanity to see Him.
(28). Need of the hour:
Sow humanity and reap peace. Sow peace and reap progress. Sow progress and reap prosperity. Sow prosperity and reap endless happiness.
Therefore - Humanity is my caste, Humanity is my community, Humanity is my religion, Humanity is my creed, Humanity is my race, Humanity is my tribe, Humanity is my region, Humanity is my nationality, Humanity is my language, Humanity is my mother-tongue, Humanity is my consideration, Humanity is my philosophy, Humanity is my approach and Humanity is my way of life. Finally, Humanity is my whole world.
(29). Inseparables:
Pain and gain, body and soul, day and night, light and heat, noise and vibration are inseparables. Therefore, do not waste time for this.
(30). Inevitables:
Failure and success are like day and night, ignore them and strive for stability.
(31). Source of failure:
ReplyDeleteAt times we fail, at all other times we are failed.
(32). Statics and Dynamics:
Be dynamic since nothing on earth is static, including earth.
(33). Cause & Cure of Death:
Death means unwillingness to change.
(34). Acquisitions:
Balance your acquisitions since no one can carry anything.
(35). Hiring tasks:
Qualification seldom qualifies anyone for employment, percentage of marks does not mean merit, age does not mean maturity, experience does not mean knowledge, talent does not mean wisdom, sincerity does not mean creativity, drive does not mean determination, motivation does not mean innovation and honesty does not mean productivity and outspokenness does not mean output.
Therefore, employers must develop exacting tools to measure performance and creativity essential to assess usefulness and wage-worthiness. Individuals, Institutions and nations ignoring these facts end up in recruiting non-contributors and non-performers.
(36). Change:
Only a change can change a change and change alone can challenge a change along with the inevitable uncertainties associated with every change. These are the real challenges of life for the present and future generations.
(37). Uncertainties:
Uncertainty is more certain and more inevitable than the most inevitable change and challenges.
Thus, entrepreneurs must be more vigilant than never before since emerging technologies demanding abrupt changes need abnormal potential to absorb changes and challenges associated.
(38). Measure-worthy elements of a person:
Money, power, position, popularity, personality, qualification, experience and age of a person are not measure-worthy since performance and contribution alone matters.
(39). Science:
So far, science has miserably failed to understand the nature, its secrets and several things happening around. For reasons best known to all concerned, man-made tools like science, engineering and technology continue to fail forever, in spite of this hard reality, we must continue respect science since it carries the entire essential potential essential to add sweetness and flavour essential to make life worth living and enjoyable.
This fact is nothing but truth. Therefore, let us go along with the nature as thoughtfully did by the wisest and the most knowledgeable ancient people of our planet.
(40). Cost of selfishness:
ReplyDeleteSun sets only on selfish.
(41). Source of smiles:
Good people give smiles, other give tears.
(42). Copying risks:
Neither individuals nor institutions nor nations become leaders by following or copying the other, therefore, make laws, rules and regulations relevant to the nation since the needs, problems, priorities and culture of different nations are different.
(43). Success:
Success seldom comes by following or copying or imitating, this analogy is true for individuals, institutions and nations.
(44). Heroism:
Genuine leaders follow heroism and seldom choose beaten tracks.
(45). Life:
Life is uncertain because death is certain.
(46). Friendship:
The most valuable and least respected commodity on earth is friendship, whereas, the least valuable and most respected commodity on earth is money.
(47). Longevity:
Those who live more, suffer more.
(48). Earning:
We earn more only to live less.
(49). Eating:
We eat more only to live less.
(50). Strength & Stamina:
God gave strength to men and stamina to women.
(51). Truth:
We seldom seek truth since we are comfortable with facts.
(52). Facts:
Facts are partial truths.
(53). Lies:
We talk lies to live less.
(54). Disagreement:
People of earth are fighting for an invisible GOD common for all.
(55). God:
God is universal, so, He is not different for different people.
If God is different for different people, HE is no more a God.
(56). Ideas:
Ideas are more valuable than ideologists since every idea is a spontaneous overflow of powerful thinking and carries the potential to change the world.
(57). Greetings:
God seldom greets us because we are greedy.
(58). Rules:
If rules are not simpler, bitter will be the result.
(59). Food:
Agriculture gives food, arms give blood.
(60). Birth:
ReplyDeleteWe take birth only to pursue death.
The way we live, the way we die.
Birth causes pain, death relieves pain.
Birth and death are accidental since life is incidental.
(61). Decisions:
Woman knows where the shoe pinches most; therefore their involvement is vital in decision-making process.
(62). Impossibilities:
Nothing is impossible since impossibilities are time-sensitive and person-sensitive; therefore, let us continue to chase for solutions.
(63). Time effect:
Buying power of money is increasing day-by-day, therefore - today money is able to buy what it failed to buy yesterday.
(64). Failures:
Willing to fail puts life on positive mode, unwilling to fail causes distress, disease and death.
(65). Weapons:
Weapons cause weeping – quit them. Guns do not give smiles, missiles do not mount peace, bombs do not bag boarders, arms do not bring arms together, money do not melt hearts, wealth cannot wipe-off tears, therefore let us apply something which is more powerful i.e. humanity to solve and resolve our problems and disputes.
(66). Tomorrow:
Tomorrow is not there for animals and other forms of life that are wiser than human beings. For reasons best known to us, we did not buy this philosophy and therefore, we became unwise. Thus, we started acquiring things for tomorrow ignoring the fact that tomorrow’s existence and its availability to us is entirely in the hands of tomorrow.
Finally, we must realize a fact that tomorrow is only in the hands of tomorrow; whereas, today is in our hands, therefore, let us contribute something today instead of waiting for tomorrow.
(67). Savings:
If I am saving something for tomorrow, I am depriving someone who needs it today (.) Saving something for tomorrow is depriving someone who needs that something today.
(68). Postponement:
Do it today since tomorrow is too late for a good job.
(69). Spending:
We need to save something for a rainy-day which is bound to come to all of us, one day or the other.
(70). Words:
Words have no meaning of their own since they are subjective and thus, user-sensitive. Hence this world is a battle field for definitions.
(71). Our World:
Mad people think others are mad, others think the other way round. No one knows who is really mad since everyone is mad in his own way - this is the real beauty of our wonder-world wonderful enough to keep life going in a wonderfully wonderful manner.
(72). Love:
Love loves the love lovely; the love loved by love loves the love lovely and lovingly.
(73). Progress:
Working against nature is unnatural and abusive, therefore - work along with nature since nature is the greatest teacher with principles as rigid as rigid can be.
(74). Use:
Misuse and abuse are inevitable for things that are in use.
(75). Failure of money:
Money can buy pleasures, not happiness.
(76). Composition of life:
God fills life with little satisfaction and large dissatisfaction.
(77). Hidden World:
This is a hidden world since everyone is hiding something.
(78). Today’s trend:
Become important by reducing other man’s importance.
(79). Talent:
Talent makes you competent, cleverness makes you successful.
NVSN Murthy - a temporary visitor on earth
(80). Perfection:
ReplyDeleteNever aim at perfection since it is not there.
No one is perfect since everyone is perfecting imperfection.
Perfection is nowhere since imperfection is being perfected everywhere.
(81). Excellency:
Consistency is better than Excellency.
(82). Misunderstanding:
We often misunderstand because it is easy to do so.
(83). Underperformance:
We underperform since we undermine learning.
(84). Needs:
Wise men work for needs, others for greeds.
(85). Greeds:
Lust for luxuries lessens life on earth.
(86). End result:
We do not become best by doing our best; we become best only by doing what is required.
(87). Poverty Eradication:
If politicians eradicate poverty, they become poor, Will They Do It?
(88). Bends in life:
Every bend on the road is not a bend in the life.
(89). Purpose of life:
The purpose of birth is death, not yours.
(90). Purpose of eating:
Animals eat for us, we eat for ourselves.
(91). Enmity:
Today’s enemies are tomorrow’s friends, the converse too is true.
(92). Zeroism:
All heroes become zeroes at the end.
(93). Rejection:
We reject others and their ideas only to accept bigger returns.
(94). Insecurity feeling:
The feeling of insecurity is blighting the lighting of our world.
(95). Nationality:
Humanity is a better tag than nationality.
(96). Oneness
Oneness is better than own-ness.
(97). Denying
We deny only to get denied.
(98). Godliness:
Humanity is the manifestation of godliness.
(99). Wisdom:
Commonsense is the essence of all kinds of wisdom.
(100). Life’s span:
The gap between birth and death is life.
(101). Madness:
Everyone is mad since no one is glad.
(102). Weakness:
Rich feeds on poor and greets the rich.
(103). Togetherness:
Let us live together since we came alone and go alone.
(104). Curiosity:
Curiosity causes creativity, create it.
(105). Satisfaction:
Satisfy with earning, not with learning.
(106). Studentship:
Be a student as long you live, this ensures success.
(107). Learning:
Self-teaching is the best way of learning.
(108). Work Culture:
Learn aloof and work together.
(109). Bad Learner:
A poor listener is a bad learner.
NVSN Murthy - a temporary visitor on earth
(110). Study Campus:
ReplyDeleteA study campus qualifies to learn outside, pursue it.
(111). Study Results:
Results mostly come from off-the campus learning, promote it.
(112). Time Sharing:
Spare time to share with others.
(113). Inventors:
Inventors may be mad, not inventions.
(114). Welcome To Ideas:
Welcoming ideas means inviting inventions, progress and prosperity since a closed mouth cannot catch flies, be quick enough to grab.
(115). Enemies to progress:
Snubbing ideas means shrinking progress and prosperity, be vigilant.
(116). Bridging for peace:
Humanity is the only bridge to merge people and nations, adopt it.
Humanity is the only tool for melting hearts and merging people, apply it.
(117). Safety:
Security measures are not safety measures.
When safety dies, security raises.
The death of safety gives birth to security.
(118). Commonsense:
Commonsense is the essence of all kinds of knowledge available to human beings on earth. Therefore, commonsense has become the most uncommon commodity on earth ever since the birth of earth.
Unfortunately this priceless commodity is becoming more and more uncommon day-by-day, therefore due to its unavailability, we seldom apply this priceless commodity to solve problems.
(119). Friction:
Friction is responsible for industrial and population growth.
(120). Every day is a turning day:
Every day we turn a day, whether we work or not.
(121). Teamwork:
No team is strong since a weak man is there in every team, therefore, think twice before building, appointing or handling teams.
(122). Mistakes:
Following is a fault, copying is a crime and imitating is an offence.
(123). Competition:
Your competitor is a true measure of your performance and strength.
(124). Laziness:
A lazy man eats more, rests more, rusts more and lives more; often he is regarded as a poor man.
(125). Nothing:
No one has the potential of doing nothing since doing nothing is unachievable, but the dead can do it, thus, impossibilities are not only time sensitive, person-sensitive, position-sensitive and place-sensitive, but also, state-sensitive. This is called “Nori State Theory”.
(126). Origin of life:
Life originates from friction and fluids.
(127). Progress on earth:
Progress of any kind is impossible without friction and fluids; wear is the single largest controller of world economy and economics. It directly affects individuals, institutions, organizations and nations.
(128). Purity:
Nothing on earth is pure since nature believes in doping.
(129). Purpose of life:
The purpose of life is not only to live, also to support others live.
(130). Brain robbery:
Brain robbery is the biggest crime since it involves physical, mental, financial, virtue and morality loss.
(131). Love for the society:
Life without love for others is not a life, it something untold by life.
(132). Professional ethics:
Buy ideas, do not copy, also discourage copying.
(133). Death reveals life’s history:
Death story is the history of the person untold by the person.
(134). Service to humanity is service to GOD:
There is God in every genuine needy, help him to serve Him.
(135). Live to love:
Life is not for living; it is for loving (human life, animal life & plant life).
(136). Certainty of life:
In life, nothing is more certain than death.
(137). Quality work:
A quantified work is a qualified work, hence a quality work.
(138). Qualification of work:
A qualitative work does not qualify to work.
(139). Adjectives in reports:
Adjectives adjourn decisions, omit them.
NVSN Murthy - a passing visitor on earth
NVSN Murthy, Independent Researcher, Age: 57, Earthman
ReplyDelete• A temporary visitor on earth melting hearts and merging people through humanity and friendship for causing peace, progress, prosperity and happiness to people and nations since life on earth is a one-time gift of GOD and hence, certainly worth living without causing and inviting tears,
• a researcher (metallurgist) by profession,
• an economist by accident,
• a writer by hobby,
• a reformist by social obligation,
• an analyst by interest,
• a poor man by fate,
• a social worker by choice,
• a servant to human life, animal life and plant life by zeal,
• an engineer by selection,
• a traveller towards death by birth,
• a philosopher by time,
• a practicing poet by nature
• and a messenger of peace by passion.
Past address: Unknown
Present address: Earth
Future address: Unknown
ReplyDeleteA New Economic Philosophy with a Human Face
(MY Contribution to MY People of MY Planet)
(1). Economy :
Happiness of the people is the real economy of a nation and all other things are traps.
(2). Economics :
The mechanism that makes the people happy is called economics.
(3). Misapprehensions :
GDP, Forex, Sensex and Inflation are not elements of economy; therefore they cannot measure the economy of a nation.
(4). Inflation :
Inflation is the market-exaggerated-disproportion in the production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and wealth. Therefore, this planning-sensitive element is not a relevant parameter for effective assessment of the economy of a nation since the imbalances disappear either by planting preventive measures or timely corrective actions or permanently installed system-controls for timely actuation of precisely installed regulators.
(5). Economist:
Agriculture is the epicentre of economy, thus, no nation can survive if its farmer is suffering since agriculture and the mechanics of economics are the two reactants rigidly controlling and producing the final product generally being referred to as “Economy”, which too, is directly proportional to the speed at which a nation moves its men, material and money and, is accurately measurable for specifying its index by an economist who has sensibly blended fundamentals with commonsense and constantly qualifying himself as a precise tool for the intended job.
(6). Numbers & Digits:
Economists not isolating economy and economics from numbers and digits are destroying their nations.
(7). Economic policies:
Evaluate first, then adopt and finally adapt since economics is a subjective subject with objectives subjective and role-sensitive.
(8). Wealth:
Wealth can neither be created nor destroyed, but it transforms into several forms and possesses enormous potential to alter the dynamics of economics, its misplacement or displacement causes proportionate degree of imbalances in the economy of the nation.
(9). Money:
Money accumulation does not mean wealth acquisition since money seldom measures the strength of a nation or individual, more so, yellow metal.
(10). Real asset value of a nation:
Money in circulation is the real asset value of a nation since it is the only asset working for the nation, hence, the higher the better.
(11). Cooperation:
Cooperation is the orthocentre of economy and is directly proportional to the need and inversely proportional to the greed of the nations. Nations necessarily viewing cooperation as basic necessity become all-time rich.
(12). Bedrocks of economic growth:
Fair play, benefit-balancing and cooperation are the keystones that accelerate economic growth - destroying them is destroying nations.
(13). Governance:
Business is not the business of the government. Therefore, nations must not involve in any commercial activity since their only business is governance, policy making, administration, safety and security of the people, food and health security, draught and flood control, conservation of wildlife and forests, pollution and inflation control, infrastructure development, environmental protection, public service, standardization, rationalization and simplification of rules, regulations and procedures.
(14). Farmer’s Role:
Politicians in power seldom comeback to power by ignoring farmer, politicians aspiring power seldom come to power by ignoring farmer, political parties ignoring farmer do not survive.
(15). Present status of economics:
Economics became Agonymics since politicians removed economics from social science and merged it with power politics to suit their convenience. Therefore, economics no more deals with production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and wealth.
NVSN Murthy, a short-time visitor on earth
(16). Politics:
ReplyDeleteAccurate diagnosis and wrong prescription are the ethics of politics.
(17). Invasion:
Politicians invaded the theory & principles of economy and economics, therefore, these vital topics are no more understandable.
(18). Poverty Allotment:
Politicians reserved poverty for the poor and prosperity for themselves.
(19). Poverty Alleviation:
Poverty alleviation elevated politicians and eliminated the poor.
(20). Cost of Nothing:
Nothing is free in this world since everything comes from nothing.
Nothing is free in this world though everything comes from nothing.
(21). Cost of Price:
Since everything comes from nothing, the initial cost of everything is zero, as the value adds up, so does the price.
(22). Nation’s Health:
Wealth is not a measure of nation’s health.
(23). Speed Means Growth:
The economic growth of a nation is directly proportional to the speed at which the nation moves its men, material and money. However, safety and cost-effectiveness are vital considerations.
(24). Wear:
Wear is the single largest employer of our on earth. Also, it is the biggest controller of economy and economics of our world.
(25). Remuneration:
The more you give, the more you get – both remuneration and satisfaction.
(26). Nature (The Greatest Teacher on Earth):
Nations adopting nature’s laws become healthy.
(27). Global Peace Pill:
Do not do for others what you do not want others to do for you.
Adopt “LoveAll-HateNone“philosophy originated from Humanity, therefore Humanity is the essence of all religions, faiths and philosophies of our acquisitive world.
Most importantly, for all those who believe in God, Humanity is the visible form of God.
There is God in everyone; we need eyes to see Him.
We acquire everything only to carry nothing.
A true religious mind knows no religion since GOD knows no religion.
No one is bad since everyone belongs to God.
We ask what we want, God gives what we need.
Laws not built on humanity do not last longer.
There is God within, we need humanity to see Him.
(28). Need of the hour:
Sow humanity and reap peace. Sow peace and reap progress. Sow progress and reap prosperity. Sow prosperity and reap endless happiness.
Therefore - Humanity is my caste, Humanity is my community, Humanity is my religion, Humanity is my creed, Humanity is my race, Humanity is my tribe, Humanity is my region, Humanity is my nationality, Humanity is my language, Humanity is my mother-tongue, Humanity is my consideration, Humanity is my philosophy, Humanity is my approach and Humanity is my way of life. Finally, Humanity is my whole world.
(29). Inseparables:
Pain and gain, body and soul, day and night, light and heat, noise and vibration are inseparables. Therefore, do not waste time for this.
(30). Inevitables:
Failure and success are like day and night, ignore them and strive for stability.
NVSN Murthy - a quitting visitor on earth
An easy route to eliminate economic crisis, if any:
ReplyDeleteDe-linking of economy from economics is the simplest solution to economic crisis, if any, think it over.
NVSN Murthy, Research Scientist, a passing visitor on earth from earth.
Source of smiles and tears:
ReplyDeleteGood people give smiles, other give tears.
We give tears only to invite more in future.
We suffer others only to suffer most in the days to come since every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
This is termed as “Nori Theory of Human Actions and Reactions”.
This agrees with the scientific principles propounded by Sir Isaac Newton.
Nori Murthy (NVSN Murthy), Independent Research Scientist and a short-time visitor on earth.
Yes, being able to prepare for a possible economic collapse is a wise thing to do.