Guest Post By Dave Hodges
When I became a parent, I mistakenly thought that I would raise my son just like my parents raised me. My parents instilled in me a fundamental respect for authority, how to honor the great traditions of our country and how to work hard to get what I wanted out of life.
I grew up loving the ideals of our country, the freedom and the opportunity. As a result, I have lived a good and prosperous life. I give thanks to my parents and to God everyday for my good fortune.
However, I have learned that I was not fully prepared to be a parent because I do not know how to teach my 12-year-old son to live in the New World Order.
The America we knew is dead and gone and is running solely on momentum. Are any of you asking the same question that I am about to? How do we tell our pre-teen and teenage children that they live under a hopelessly corrupt government and they are making plans to fully enslave all of us under REX 84, FEMA Camps, NDAA, etc? Do we teach our children to never criticize the government because free speech has been criminalized as an act of terrorism? How do we provide hope to our children that if they work hard and go to college, hey will have a good life?
And even if our kids graduate from college, most won’t find jobs when they get out of school and even if they do find work in their field, they will be debt slaves because of the cost of higher education. How do we encourage our children to learn the lessons of civics when we fully know that our vote, on a national level, does not make a darn bit of difference, and that the Pelosis, Reids, Bushes and Obamas are bought and paid for? How do we teach our children that our brave men and women who serve in the military have been turned into pawns of corporate greed and subsequent imperialism? How do we prepare to raise our children in a decadent society which dishonors the Christian principles that our country was founded upon?
Feeling Inadequate As a Father
In my work as a writer and broadcaster in the alternative media, I
know all too well that the potential dangers that I face in my attempts
to reveal the truth about the lawlessness and abject criminality of so
many of our leaders. Hastings and Breitbart remind all of us in the
alternative media that we take significant risks to do what we do. I
decided several years ago that I was willing to take the risk, as are so
many of my colleagues in the alternative media. However, I have
discovered that I was unprepared to be a father to a child who is
growing up in a time of unprecedented corporate and government
criminality. Do you realize that our children our living under a
government that has forsaken due process and tortures people that they
disagree with? If we treated our children like the government treats us,
we would all be put in jail for neglect and child abuse. How do I teach
my son to develop a fundamental respect for leaders who have no moral
The Questions a Parent Cannot Answer
My son is showing signs of asking questions befitting an adult
perspective of our present political and economic situation. I am not
bashful about identifying the misdeeds of our government when I am
writing or broadcasting. Also, I know that I have the intellectual
capacity to explain to my son how bad things have become in terms he can
understand. However, I have found that I am lacking the skill and
knowledge to explain to my son just how bad things are without taking
away his hope for the future.
Although I constantly say that I am fighting for our children’s future, I have kept my son as separate as I can from my work in the alternative media. It is not something that I have tried to share with him because I do not want him to become cynical. Yet I know that there comes the day when all parents realize that we have to tell our children that there is no Santa Claus.
I grew up in an America which was a republic interspersed with some corruption. Today’s America is a corporate criminal enterprise where there are no rules for the elite and the republic concepts underlying our laws are on life support. Subsequently, my son is growing up in a far different America than I did; and to hear him talk about his future hopes and fears reflects these fundamental changes that we have experienced as a country.
Although I constantly say that I am fighting for our children’s future, I have kept my son as separate as I can from my work in the alternative media. It is not something that I have tried to share with him because I do not want him to become cynical. Yet I know that there comes the day when all parents realize that we have to tell our children that there is no Santa Claus.
I grew up in an America which was a republic interspersed with some corruption. Today’s America is a corporate criminal enterprise where there are no rules for the elite and the republic concepts underlying our laws are on life support. Subsequently, my son is growing up in a far different America than I did; and to hear him talk about his future hopes and fears reflects these fundamental changes that we have experienced as a country.
“I Do Not Want to Be In the Military”
Today, I was telling my son about how his late grandfather joined the Navy at a very young age and made a successful career out of it. He stopped me and asked if I would be upset if he did not want to join the military. At that moment, I realized that I had an important decision to make as a parent. Do I tell my son the truth about the facts related to his question, or do I take the approach we often do with our kids and gloss over the truth?
You Want Answers?
The theme song for my talk show starts out with the classic
exchange between two great actors, Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise in
which they utter those now famous lines from A Few Good Men that
“You can’t handle the truth.” True to the meaning of my theme song, I
went for broke. I proceeded to tell my son that I did not want him to
join the military. I also told him that our leaders think nothing of
throwing away the lives of our brave young soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan and that we never belonged in these countries to begin with.
He now knows that I think that the primary reasons that we fight wars
today is to make wealthy people wealthier and they don’t care how many
have to die in order to get what they want. He further learned that it
is almost impossible to be a Christian in the military today. Yes, you
can pray on a rug if you are an American soldier, but you can’t be an
open Christian as the “Don’t ask don’t tell” regulation has made it way
from prohibiting the admission of one being a homosexual while serving
in the military to now being used to ban the free admission that one is a
Christian and openly practicing their faith.
In my boldest statement, that some will judge to be reckless, I told my pre-teen that some of our troops are being forced to train for controlling the citizens of our country rather than preparing to fight our enemies. He’s not ready for the DHS/REX 84/ Northcom lecture, but the underlying principles were communicated. It was crystal clear that he understood that I did not want him to be in the military. As they say, out of the mouth of babes -- my son subsequently asked me what if they bring back the draft?
In my boldest statement, that some will judge to be reckless, I told my pre-teen that some of our troops are being forced to train for controlling the citizens of our country rather than preparing to fight our enemies. He’s not ready for the DHS/REX 84/ Northcom lecture, but the underlying principles were communicated. It was crystal clear that he understood that I did not want him to be in the military. As they say, out of the mouth of babes -- my son subsequently asked me what if they bring back the draft?
Obama Has Made It Easy To Choose Sides
Before I relate how I answered the question about bringing back the
draft, please allow me to review some tenets of Executive Order 13603
in which Obama actually calls for two drafts: a military draft and a
civilian draft. Both programs would be placed under the auspices of the
Secretary of Labor. The military draft is easily understood. However,
Obama’s notion of a civilian draft is frighteningly Orwellian. Do you
remember Obama’s campaign promise when he said “we cannot just rely on
our military to meet our national security needs, we need a civilian
security force, that is just as strong and just as well funded.” We now
know what Obama was referring to.
Under EO 13603, the government can split up families. There are no age restrictions on the civilian labor draft and you can be sent to perform the “government’s” work. A husband can be assigned to work in one location and the wife in another. This would represent the ultimate Agenda 21 driven breakup of the family. And, of course, our boys can still be marched off to war to kill and be killed by young men that they have nothing against us, with all of this being done in the name of corporate profits.
I told my son that I would not let him be drafted and that we would leave the country if we had to. This was an epiphany for me. I realized at that moment that I need to seriously consider leaving this country and relocating to a country where the local military and their civilian forces are not likely to be used as a global police force.
Under EO 13603, the government can split up families. There are no age restrictions on the civilian labor draft and you can be sent to perform the “government’s” work. A husband can be assigned to work in one location and the wife in another. This would represent the ultimate Agenda 21 driven breakup of the family. And, of course, our boys can still be marched off to war to kill and be killed by young men that they have nothing against us, with all of this being done in the name of corporate profits.
I told my son that I would not let him be drafted and that we would leave the country if we had to. This was an epiphany for me. I realized at that moment that I need to seriously consider leaving this country and relocating to a country where the local military and their civilian forces are not likely to be used as a global police force.
There Is No Santa Claus
If you are awake as to what is going on and you have children, you
will one day be forced to answer the questions that your children ask
about the world that they live in. And for the life of me, I do not know
how to tell my child how to live in the New World Order. Do you?
Dave is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms Phoenix, News With Views and The Arizona Republic.
The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
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