IMF Warns of Greater Downside Risks to Global Economy ... The global economic recovery has slowed and downside risks have grown, amid weakness in the U.S. economy and fears about the fiscal situation in EU members such as Greece, and strong adjustments will be needed to ensure a return to growth, the International Monetary Fund warned Friday. – UK Spectator/Daniel Korski
Dominant Social Theme: The leaders of the IMF are concerned ...
Free-Market Analysis: Are the powers-that-be in the midst of creating a planned depression? We call it planned because when analyzing what is going on the world, it is always necessary to keep in mind that the global economy is a pre-meditated one. The instrumentalities are manmade; so is the money. At the end of this article we shall present an alternative headline; we're having a hard time figuring out which one is the more appropriate.
Because Lady Gaga is of infinitely more importance than central banking, people tend to forget that the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland virtually controls 100 of the largest central banks around the world. What happens at the BIS affects almost everyone. When was the last time you heard a news story about the BIS?
If the mainstream media news actually reflected the reality of world events, every news broadcast would start with an update on BIS policies and then discuss the economic moves of some of the larger central banks. In fact, the closest we get to understanding what's going on with central banking in mainstream news is when various news programs regurgitate press releases or show video clips of pre-planned speeches.
In fact, the power elite that has quietly seeded – that's right, "planted" – these central banks around the world in the past century know quite well what they are capable of and how they operate. Every few years, central banks cause economic collapses by printing too much money. The Anglosphere elites further consolidate their power and wealth each time one of these collapses occurs under the guise of "Democracy."
The question then becomes, as the Western elites continue to try to consolidate one world governance, whether the current downturn was expected to be as bad as it is. And having comprehended just how bad it is getting, do the Anglosphere elites believe they can turn what is rapidly becoming a full-scale, global depression to good use in their one-world quest?
This is not of course an avenue of speculation that the elites wish to encourage. They are focused on suppressing criticism of central banking and also on blaming others for the current widening, worldwide slump. Finally, they are interested in IMF imposed "austerity" wherever possible – higher taxes, fewer social services, less possibilities for retirement and of course the privatization and outright sale of various sorts of national holdings.
One must assume a) that they cannot stop what is occurring or b) are actively supporting it. The recent IMF report once again illustrates that none of this is a mystery. Everyone knows what is going on. Still the elites practice brinksmanship, insisting banks need a full return on their investment even when it is obvious they are not going to get it from the Southern PIGS.
The IMF certainly "gets it." The Fund presents its quarterly update of the World Economic Outlook in a subdued, even clinical tone, but the reality is nonetheless stark enough. According to an article in IMarketNews (see excerpt above), the IMF has "raised concerns about worrisome trends beneath the surface of the relatively encouraging forecasts, including economic slowing and fiscal concerns in advanced economies, and the potential for risky capital flows leading to a resurgence of imbalances in emerging markets."
The report warns that if these risks materialize, they will "reverberate" throughout the world – strong language given the corporate-speak with which these papers are usual written. The IMF adds that such an occurrence could "seriously impairing funding conditions for banks and corporations in advanced economies and undercutting capital flows to emerging economies."
Having established the dangers, the IMF paper suggests the solution dear to the heart of Western elites ... austerity – or, in IMF-speak, "Strong adjustments." This is then in a series of euphemisms presented as "credible and balanced fiscal consolidation and financial sector repair and reform in many advanced economies, and prompter macroeconomic policy tightening and demand rebalancing in many emerging and developing economies."
The IMF has published another gloomy report recently, focused directly on Greece and re-emphasizing austerity. The UK Telegraph, which reported on it yesterday, called it a "stark message to Europe's politicians, who held a second day of crisis talks in Luxembourg on Monday." The report was released against a backdrop of an ever-deeper crisis. Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the eurozone finance ministers, declined to release a "critical" €12bn (£10.5bn) aid payment to Greece until the country passes further harsh austerity measures.
The larger IMF/WEO report while substantive, does not deal with China's considerable and growing unrest. This may be as a result of food and real estate inflation among other issues (the general slave-like conditions with which many Chinese employees still struggle). Meanwhile, as a result of the EU's and IMF's refusal to compromise, the social unrest in Spain and Greece will likely only continue and grow stronger, engulfing other countries over time. The US has its own version of this phenomenon in the so-called Tea Party; if economic conditions do not improve in the US, one could certainly foresee similar protests sweeping America – and Britain as well.
We are aware that Money Power is established via chaos and draws its order from a planned response to social unrest. From chaos, therefore, springs forth a "New World Order." Is this really what the elites have in mind in the short term? It seems to us that Western powers-that-be are responding to the growing global economic function with a predictable increase in wars and violence. But as the IMF paper shows, the ongoing economic slowdown is real, intractable and unpredictable.
What are they after? Greece and Portugal are convulsed; America is in the throes of an electoral revolt; there are over 600 "hot spots" in the world right now and growing. Just this morning there is breaking news that US military planners are holding domestic war games with an eye toward invading Libya on the ground.
Between global austerity, wars and an unrolling "depression," it begins to look as if the elites are practicing a kind of purposeful provocation, deepening tension and adding to provocation. We're not sure of the end game but the process itself is disturbing enough.
Conclusion: "We entitled this article "A Planned Depression." But we will end it with an alternative title: "A Planned Revolt?"
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