Thursday, July 29, 2010
A Young Man's Solution to the US Economic Crisis
Written by NewAmericaNow
I recently took the family on an outing to the local lakeside beach. While we were there, I made some shish kabobs and grilled pineapple with a sugar topping for dessert. A wonderful time had by all. My youngest of three sons, Hunter, who is nine years old, turns to me with eyes of excitement and says, “Why don’t we come here tomorrow and sell this stuff to people on the beach and make a lot of money!!!”. Both my wife and I looked at each other with proud smiles on our faces about the little entrepreneur we had in our midst.
I had to explain that it wasn’t that easy and that he would have to pay for a license and permit from the government to do that. Looking puzzled, he slowly looked down at the sand while he enjoyed his food and after a few moments of deep thought he looked up and said, “Dad, why do we need Government anyway?” I smiled once more and congratulated him on his question because wiser men than I have been asking this very question since the dawn of time. I tried to explain to him that different people answer that same question very differently. I tried to use sports as an analogy. Some people think government should be a Referee and make sure everyone plays by the rules but at the same time not interfere with the game. Some people, however, think that government should be the “Captain” of the team, making sure everyone is doing what they are suppose to do, while at the same time being very involved in how the game is played. He nodded and smiled with eyes squinting while looking at the water.
Hunter then turned to meet my eyes with his and asked “Isn’t this a free Country?” Yes, it is, I replied. He disagreed, “No it’s not Dad, not really.” Why do you say that? “Well because… you have to wear your seatbelt or you’ll get in trouble with the Policeman if he sees you, right?” he said with a grin. Yes, that’s true, but it’s suppose to be for your own good, I said. Hunter quickly shot back, “If your free, shouldn’t you be able to decide what is good or bad for yourself.” I laughed pretty hard, thinking; we’ve got a little Libertarian here.
”Dad, Why do people need permits to sell food here?” he asks. Well because the government is acting like the “Captain” on the team, making sure that you follow rules so you don’t get people sick. “Does Mommy have a license?, he asked. No, she doesn’t need one. “How come? Sometimes I get sick from her food”, laughing while he looks over at his insulted mom. Well, because she is family and only strangers that sell you food need a license. “What if someone with a license makes you sick?” He quickly asks. Then those people get in trouble. “Dad?” he says. “You know all those people that are out of work right now and need a job.” Yes, I replied. “The government should get rid of all these stupid rules so people can make money on the beach selling food and the only people that should get in trouble are the ones that make you sick, not that anyone is going to buy from them again anyway”. “I think that the government should be a Referee because Government doesn’t play very fair”. I couldn’t agree more buddy, I couldn’t agree more.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The New Doom: A Second Wave of Economic Pessimism Spreading Outside Wonkdom

By Max Abelson
July 13, 2010
"Life is such a fucking disaster," a prominent New York hedge fund manager said recently. "We all live in some kind of world we create for ourselves. And I think that what happened is that built into that world were very enlarged expectations about what life was going to be. There's been this sensation of excessive expectation that, frankly, became unsustainable."
He had just returned from his ranch in the wilderness of central Idaho. "I just like it because it's massively low human density. It would be a place you could hole up in. But, gosh, I hope that doesn't happen."
Last week, not very far from the hedge fund manager's ranch, the billionaire John Malone gave a little-noticed interview to The Wall Street Journal from Allen & Co.'s annual Sun Valley conference. Asked about the biggest risks to Liberty, his media conglomerate, Mr. Malone said his concern was this country's survival. "We have a retreat that's right on the Quebec border. We own 18 miles on the border, so we can cross. Anytime we want to, we can get away."
His wife is more concerned: She's already moved her personal cash to Australia and Canada. "She wants to have a place to go," said Mr. Malone, No. 400 on this year's Forbes list of the richest people in the world, "if things blow up here."
Before the financial crisis, furious pessimism about the national economy started with a small and mostly scholarly group of doomsayers, like N.Y.U.'s Nouriel Roubini and Yale's Robert Shiller. But that pessimism has now gone mainstream, spreading from wonks in finance to the city's daily conversation as last year's rebound drifts further away. Growth is slow; unemployment is enormous; the world feels sludgy. It won't help if banks post withered profits later this week, as they're expected to.
Part of what makes this second wave of gloom different is the sense that the rot isn't going anywhere. You read through The Times and worry that the country will sink into a third depression-Paul Krugman said a few weeks ago that it already has-unless the U.S. government does something serious. But then you think about where money for another stimulus would come from, and what will happen if trillion-dollar deficits get worse.
"I think that a lot of people are becoming realistic over the outlook, because let's face facts," said David Rosenberg, the chief economist and strategist at the investment firm Gluskin Sheff. "It's going to leave some pretty deep emotional scars, don't you think?"
Still, optimism lives. After this month's Times profile of Robert Prechter, the forecaster who says we've begun the worst market decline in something like 300 years, Mr. Krugman's colleague Ross Douthat used his Independence Day column to complain about worrywarts. If Jimmy Carter was wrong about shortages, grim sacrifice and an energy emergency, he said, the new pessimists are, too.
HUMANS HAVE THIS poignant desire to feel that we're in control," the hedge fund manager said. "I know there will be abrupt change."
"We have Ben Bernanke, who has figured it all out; but you and I know he's just guessing," said Mr. Shiller, the Yale professor. The first edition of his book Irrational Exuberance warned in 2000 about a stock market bubble, and the second edition in 2005 predicted the real estate collapse. "When you see something like the BP oil spill, you know we're just plunging headlong into the future without knowing what we're doing."
"If you've got job security and wealth preservation under lethal pressure, then you're going to take the negativism into a place that it hasn't been before," Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's non-executive Asia chairman and the firm's former chief economist, said. "TARP, zero interest rates, trillion-dollar budget deficits, you name it, we've thrown anything we can at the system. And that has been successful to a limited extent at stopping the bleeding, but it has not really allowed the patient to get up off the table and resume a normal life again."
One problem is that there isn't a consensus about what our catastrophes are, or how they can be fixed. Mr. Roach and Mr. Krugman, for example, have feuded this year over China. (One said a baseball bat should be taken to the other.) This week, Lloyd's of London and the monolithic English think tank Chatham House warned about peak oil, the semi-apocalyptic moment when the world's oil production will max out and then decline. Not preparing for the new energy realty, they say, will have "potentially catastrophic consequences."
On Friday, just before that report was published, the blog Zero Hedge, a kind of global hub for catastrophists, posted a "wall of worry." The American government, said the first of 50 factoids about the economy, is projected to issue about the same debt this year as the other governments of the world combined.
"Few appreciated that the shift would be as deeply structural as it was demonstrated to be," the site's editor, who writes pseudonymously as Tyler Durden, said in an email. "With trillions of dollars spent to prevent an all-out economic collapse we have only managed to buy under two years of time and the economy is once again starting to roll over."
The hedge fund manager said he doesn't even trust gold. "It's worthless if the social fabric tears," he said. "We're going to have to do something different, before we get down to where it's really bad."
Article source
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Global Economic and Social Collapse Of “Staggering Proportions” Warned Imminent

Grim economic warnings are being sounded from the United States today after one of their top market forecasters and social theorists named Robert Prechter advised everyone to abandon the stock markets over what he says will be one of the largest financial crashes (of staggering proportions) to occur in over 300 years rivaling the GreatDepression, the Panic of 1873, and the collapse of the South Sea Bubble in 1720, a crash so catastrophic it deterred people from buying stocks for 100 years.
Important to note about Prechter’s dire warning is its being based upon what is called the Elliott Wave Principle developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott (1871-1948) that is a form of technical analysis that investors use to forecast trends in the financial markets by identifying extremes in investor psychology, highs and lows in prices, and other collective activities.
Elliott, in turn, had based his new principle on the findings of the great Russian evolutionary theorist Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) who in his book titled Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution” countered Charles Darwin's (1809-1882) survival of the fittest evolutionary theory by concluding that cooperation and mutual aid are as important in the evolution of the species as competition and mutual strife, if not more so.
Elliott was also greatly influenced by Kropotkin’s greatest work The Conquest of Bread
that lays bare the defects of the economic systems known as Feudalism and Capitalism by showing how they thrive on and maintain poverty and scarcity, in spite of being in a time of abundance thanks to technology, while promoting privilege.
Simply put, where
could our human race survive and prosper with no man every having to live in poverty or despair.
Kropotkin, though being praised by many in his lifetime, including the great Irish poet and author Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) who called him a man with a soul of that beautiful white Christ which seems coming out of Russia, the "Anarchist Prince", as Kropotkin became to be known, saw his theories lose out those of Darwin's who were backed by the powerful and moneyed interests of the Western Empires.
What spurred Elliot's great interest in Kropotkin's theories is that the great Russian had not only predicted the Panic of 1873, but also the Great Depression. Kropotkin, however, did not live to see the Great Depression but Elliot did, and by expanding on Kropotkin’s theories discovered that while stock market prices may appear random and unpredictable, they actually follow
predictable, natural laws and can be measured and forecast using Fibonacci numbers
So completely did Elliot examine and expand upon Kropotkin that in 1946, two years before his death, he published one of the most important books of the 20th Century titled "Nature's Law - The Secret of the Universe" that, in part, shows:
"Rhythm In Nature, Egyptian Pyramids size - ratios and scaling are based on Natural Laws involving Fibonacci numbers, Sunflower research on how Sunflowers and their seeds conform to exact Fibonacci ratios, How the Washington Monument & US History is ruled by Natural Laws & Fibonacci numbers, Wave knowledge can be applied to stocks-bonds-grains- cotton -coffee & others, Stock market cycles and waves, Corrections, Complex corrections, Triangles, Thrust breakouts, Wave extensions, Correct wave counting, Sideways movements, Irregular tops, Scaling of charts, 13-year triangles, Dow Jones Industrial Avg Analysis and charts, How retracements and patterns maintain 62% ratios, Price of gold, Waves in gold prices, Gold chart and waves for 685 years from the year 1250 thru 1932.
Human activities and patterns also run in waves, more Dow Jones and London Industrials chart analysis, Dow Jones Railroad Index chart and analysis from 1906 thru 1944, Why news events are merely the tardy recognition of natural laws and waves, Natural laws discount the value of sudden major events, Detailed suggestions on maintaining charts, Daily range charts, Hourly charts, Chart paper and chart size, Weekly range charts, Monthly charts, Investment timing, Wave analysis foretells markets future direction, The fact sudden news has little long term effect because it's already reflected in the waves and cycles."
It goes without saying, in the Western World at least, and especially the United States, that Prechter"s dire warning is going virtually unreported on even as the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) and
the American stock markets are mirroring those of the Great Depression year 1932 and pointing to an even greater economic apocalypse to come.
Even worse for the American people are new reports showing their National Debt by the end of the year will soar to its highest level since the end of World War II and represent a crushing 62% of their entire National economy.
Unlike those years after World War II, however, when America was the sole economic and industrial powerhouse of a World nearly completely shattered by that conflict, the United States today stands on the precipice of near total economic collapse as over 20% of its workers remain unemployed, nearly 8 million jobs are said to be lost forever, nearly 1 in 3 of their homes are in foreclosure, all of these factors leading the Nobel Prize winning American economist Paul Krugman to warn this past week the US was now entering its Third Great Depression and that "tens of millions of unemployed workers, will go jobless for years, many will never work again".
And as bad as it is now it is going to get worse as the ECRI leading indicator produced by the Economic Cycle Research Institute plummeted yet again last week to -6.9, dropping
faster that at any time in the post-World War II era, and pointing to a contraction in the US by the end of the year as bond traders begin warning that the US Federal Reserve is preparing for a "monster" printing of American dollars to keep their economy from totally collapsing.
The United Nations, growing increasingly concerned over the
Interesting to note in all of these events, and exactly like Elliot"s wave principal and Kropotkin"s theories have warned, "the rich grew richer last year, even as the World endured the worst recession in decades", according to the latest Merrill Lynch Capgemini World Wealth Report.
Kropotkin once stated that "there are no shortcuts to moral insight" and that "the answers to such questions must be found within us, not in nature”. Perhaps some of the wisest words we can ponder on as not only this great economic crisis faces us all, but also the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, both which are surely going to change our World forevermore.
© July 7, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved
Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services' actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their "agents" against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report Who Is Sorcha Faal?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dedicated To The American People- Happy Independence Day
If you don't like what you have, Change it. Let your Representatives know you are displeased. Write them at
This video is dedicated to the American People that excercise their First Ammendment rights and Protest and hold picket signs when things need to be addressed instead of sitting home and burying their heads in the sand.
They are the true patriots in this land!!!