Free - Beyond Collapse

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Problem with America

By NewAmericaNow

What we are seeing is the result of what happens to a people that have allowed a large corruptible system to take care of us for the supposed good of the many. We have given up our own authority over ourselves and placed it in the hands of people who are often bribed by those seeking favor and influence to our detriment. We cling to the hope that those who claim to lead us will solve our many human problems but instead we have given them the power to send armed men to our homes if we do not comply to the demands of others we do not agree with.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and it truly is. Most of what we have done has been because we all truly care about each other. We empower our police to enforce seat belt laws yet they have used this simple thing as a tool to generate money and abuse their authority over the free choice of adults. We give them the authority to keep us safe from badly produced food yet they allow large multibillion dollar corporations to poison us with additives, chemicals and genetic modifications that adulterate the natural world for the profit of others yet small family farms are locked up for selling whole unpasteurized clean milk to people that choose to drink it.

We allow the might makes right mentality and corporate profits to fill our foreign policy and wonder why those in foreign lands hate us as people and find ourselves counting the bodies of our brave soldiers being sent home in boxes to protect our so called freedom. Terrorism is a symptom and one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Yet the government who we look to to solve humanities woes brings us closer to an inevitable extinction.

The answer is personal freedom and self accountability. No one should tell you what to do if you are an adult, no licenses or permits required. Allowing everyone to pursue their own definition of life liberty and happiness is all we need with the only limitation being that in doing so you do not infringe on those rights for another. The only job government should have is not that of player but of referee that provides an impartial stage for us, the players, to govern ourselves. You are innocent until proven guilty and only a unanimous impartial jury of 12 can convict you. No more corporate protections making CEOs unpublishable for negligence, incompetence or criminal intent under the umbrella of corporate law, No special privileges given to banks that allow them to create money out of thin air and impoverish a world in debt. No more meddling in the sovereign affairs of nations who's people must decide their own fate. Equal individual freedom, opportunity and responsibility regardless of wealth, color, or difference.

Nature does not have a top down system but a bottom up system yet their is total harmony in nature. Every organism plays a role and pays the price for error in nature. Learn from nature.

Many will think this is absurd and humans need to be regulated or need a central governing body that tells them what to do and what to think for their own and the greater good. To them I say look at all the current systems we have now from Corporatism, Fascism, democracies, communism and socialism and ask yourself if any of these systems is really working? Their common problem is allowing others to have control over the individual This nation has never really experienced true freedom because it's people have, early on, allowed the government to interpret their rights for them instead of interpreting our rights for ourselves. Slavery ended at the realization that "All men are created equal" yet someone said black folks. Indians, Asian weren't entitled to that right. Never allow someone else to interpret your rights for you.

Imagine if anyone could start a business or venture without a license or permit? how many jobs would be created? Prices would fall, quality would rise as a result of open competition. Imagine if everyone knew if they hurt someone or defrauded them that they would be held criminally responsible? Being held responsible has a habit of making people much more careful and honest. 

Any questions give me a buzz at

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Top 50 Excuses For Not Prepping

Guest Post - Michael Snyder

With the way that things are heading in this country, it is not surprising that there are approximately 3 million preppers in the United States today. What is surprising is that there are not more people prepping. The economy is rapidly falling to pieces, the national debt is absolutely soaring, the earth is becoming increasingly unstable, a major war could erupt in the Middle East at any time, and the fabric of our society is coming apart right in front of our eyes.

We have become incredibly dependent on technology and we have become incredibly dependent on our economic system. If a major natural disaster, a killer pandemic, an EMP attack or the imposition of martial law caused a significant transportation disruption, America would literally change overnight.

We live during a time of tremendous global instability, and yet most people still see no need to start prepping at all. Most people just continue to have blind faith in our leaders and in our system. But what happens if our leaders fail us? What happens if our system collapses? What are they going to do then?

The number of preppers in the United States today is steadily increasing, but the vast majority of people out there still see no reason to start getting ready for "the end of the world as we know it". Most people just assume that things will always somehow get better or that they will somehow be immune to whatever calamities are heading our way. Most people always seem to have a "good excuse" for why they do not need to prepare.

The following are the top 50 excuses for not prepping....

1. "The U.S. Economy Is The Greatest Economy On The Planet - There Is No Way That It Could Ever Collapse"

2. "Once Barack Obama Wins The Election Everything Will Be Better"

3. "Once Mitt Romney Wins The Election Everything Will Be Better"

4. "When Things Get Really Bad The Government Will Take Care Of Us"

5. "When Disaster Strikes I Will Just Steal From Everyone Else That Has Been Busy Preparing"

6. "The Rapture Will Be At Any Moment So I Don't Have To Worry About Prepping"

7. "The Economy Has Always Recovered After Every Recession In The Past And This Time Will Be No Different"

8. "The People That Are Running Things Are Very Highly Educated And They Know Exactly What They Are Doing"

9. "Wal-Mart Will Always Be There"

10. "Our Politicians Are Watching Out For Our Best Interests"

11. "The 2012 Apocalypse Is Almost Here And We Are All Doomed Anyway - So Why Even Try?"

12. "Preppers Do Not Have A Positive Mental Attitude"

13. "If An Economic Collapse Comes I Will Just Go On Welfare"

14. "There Are Some Things You Just Can't Prepare For"

15. "Prepping Is Too Expensive"

16. "We Are Not Like Other Countries - U.S. Cities Are Designed To Withstand Major Earthquakes"

17. "I Need To Save Up For Retirement Instead"

18. "The Stock Market Has Been Soaring So Why Worry?"

19. "I Don't Have Room To Store Anything"

20. "Prepping Is For Crazy People"

21. "I Don't Believe In Conspiracy Theories"

22. "All The Food I Store Is Going To Go Bad"

23. "I Would Rather Spend My Time Watching American Idol"

24. "All The People Who Freaked Out About Y2K Look Really Foolish Now, Don't They?"

25. "I Don't Want To Look Like Those Idiots On 'Doomsday Preppers'"

26. "An EMP Attack Could Never Happen"

27. "There Will Never Be A Nationwide Transportation Disruption In The United States"

28. "Instead Of Being So Paranoid, I Would Rather Just Enjoy Life"

29. "If Society Falls Apart I Wouldn't Want To Continue To Live Anyway"

30. "There Will Never Be Another World War"

31. "I'm Too Lazy To Grow A Garden"

32. "If You Assume The Worst Is Going To Happen Then You Don't Believe In America"

33. "Deficits Don't Matter"

34. "I'll Always Be Able To Get A Job In My Field"

35. "If There Is A Financial Collapse All Of My Debts Will Be Wiped Out So I Might As Well Live It Up Now"

36. "If Things Hit The Fan I Will Just Go Move In With My Relatives Who Have Been Busy Prepping"

37. "Those That Believe That There Will Be Massive Riots In American Cities Someday Are Just Being Delusional"

38. "My Spouse Would Think That I Have Finally Lost It"

39. "I Don't Know Where To Start"

40. "I'll Just Deal With Problems As They Arrive"

41. "I Don't Have To Prepare For A Natural Disaster - That Is What FEMA Is For"

42. "We'll Never See Martial Law In The United States"

43. "I Don't Want To Scare My Children"

44. "Once I Get Rid Of All My Debt Then I Will Start Thinking About Prepping"

45. "My Relatives Already Think That I Am A Nut Job - I Don't Need To Make It Any Worse"

46. "If People At Work Find Out That I Am Prepping It Could Hurt My Career"

47. "If There Really Was A Good Reason To Prepare They Would Tell Us About It On The News"

48. "People Have Been Predicting Doom And Gloom For Years And It Hasn't Happened Yet"

49. "The United States Is The Greatest Nation On Earth - There Is No Way That It Could Collapse"

50. "I Don't Plan On Becoming A Card Carrying Member Of The Tin Foil Hat Brigade"

This article first appeared here at the American Dream.  Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Americans Have the Right to Find Laws Unconstitutional and Not Obey Them

Guest Post Carl Herman

A useful place for Americans to stand is with the US Supreme Court in one of its most cited decisions that concluded anything passed as law in obvious violation of the US Constitution is not law, but void. Void as a legal term means the alleged “law” has zero legal force; that “void things are as no things.”

Supreme Court Chief Justice Marshall’s crystal-clear wording is below. This definitive legal ruling empowers Americans acting upon or enforcing such non-laws to reject them in full confidence of their Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

A 3-minute video asks police, military, and other law enforcement:  When you signed-up to serve the US Constitution, was your Oath sincere?

US military are authorized by their Oath of Enlistment and training to refuse unlawful orders, with officers authorized to arrest those who issue them.

Given that US wars are unlawful because the US is treaty-bound to only use our military if under attack by another nation’s government, all current war orders are unlawful and should be refused. Military of civilian “leadership” who issue such orders should be arrested to immediately stop War Crimes.

Our peaceful and lawful 2nd American Revolution points to other “emperor has no clothes” obvious void laws and criminal acts:
  • assassination of Americans upon the non-reviewable dictate of the president,
  • control-drown/waterboarding anyone dictated as a “terrorist” despite all US and international case law finding this to be torture,
  • NDAA 2012 and 2006 Military Commissions Act that state a president can dictate any person as a “terrorist suspect,” and then disappear them without challenge,
  • presidential executive order saying the US government can seize any resource, any person, at any time for “national defense.”
  • US agencies’ official reports that show all “reasons” for war on Iraq were known to be false as they were told that are unacknowledged by the 1% and not prosecuted.
  • all “reasons” for war on Iran are easily and objectively proven as also false as they are being told in the present, yet the 1% continue to lie for war.
  • tripling of the US national debt since 2001 while we ignore obvious solutions to create money for full-employment and infrastructure investment (here, here, for examples). Pushing Americans into debt-slavery rather than using money is financial fraud.
  • the King Family civil trial found the US government guilty for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. The King family’s conclusion of motive was to prevent Martin’s “Occupy DC” for the summer of 1968 until the Vietnam War was ended and that funding directed to ending poverty. The 1% never acknowledge this.
Here is the US Supreme Court’s ruling (my parenthetical notes and emphases):
The powers of the Legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the Constitution is written. To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing, if these limits may at any time be passed by those intended to be restrained? The distinction between a government with limited and unlimited powers is abolished if those limits do not confine the persons on whom they are imposed ... 
Between these alternatives (limited and unlimited government) there is no middle ground. The Constitution is either a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it. 
If the former part of the alternative be true, then a legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law; if the latter part be true, then written Constitutions are absurd attempts on the part of the people to limit a power in its own nature illimitable. 
Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void. 
... So, if a law be in opposition to the Constitution, if both the law and the Constitution apply to a particular case, ... those, then, who controvert the principle that the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law are reduced to the necessity of maintaining that courts must close their eyes on the Constitution, and see only the law. 
This doctrine would subvert the very foundation of all written Constitutions. It would declare that an act which, according to the principles and theory of our government, is entirely void, is yet, in practice, completely obligatory. It would declare that, if the Legislature shall do what is expressly forbidden, such act, notwithstanding the express prohibition, is in reality effectual. It would be giving to the Legislature a practical and real omnipotence with the same breath which professes to restrict their powers within narrow limits. It is prescribing limits, and declaring that those limits may be passed at pleasure. 
That it thus reduces to nothing what we have deemed the greatest improvement on political institutions -- a written Constitution, would of itself be sufficient, in America where written Constitutions have been viewed with so much reverence, for rejecting the construction. But the peculiar expressions of the Constitution of the United States furnish additional arguments in favour of its rejection. 
... Why otherwise does it direct ... an oath to support it? This oath certainly applies in an especial manner to their conduct in their official character. How immoral to impose it on them if they were to be used as the instruments, and the knowing instruments, for violating what they swear to support! 
The oath of office, too, imposed by the Legislature, is completely demonstrative of the legislative opinion on this subject. It is in these words: 
I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich; and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent on me as according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the United States. 
Why does a judge swear to discharge his duties agreeably to the Constitution of the United States if that Constitution forms no rule for his government?

... If such be the real state of things, this is worse than solemn mockery. To prescribe or to take this oath becomes equally a crime. 
It is also not entirely unworthy of observation that, in declaring what shall be the supreme law of the land, the Constitution itself is first mentioned, and not the laws of the United States generally, but those only which shall be made in pursuance of the Constitution, have that rank. 
Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument (the US Constitution).
And as Abraham Lincoln stated:
The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it. - "Abraham Lincoln, [September 16-17, 1859] (Notes for Speech in Kansas and Ohio)," Page 2.
Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher in economics, government, and history. His conclusions are explained and documented in these two articles (academic/professional voice, and more passionate citizen voice):

Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics
Common Sense for new American Revolution: revolt from US government by dicts

He can be reached at

Monday, May 7, 2012

Americans are the number ONE Enemy of the State

Guest Post from SARTRE

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

There is immense confusion about the nature of the State. There is even more bewilderment about what constitutes a patriot. Any discussion in the civic realm begins with a cultural viewpoint. An attitude toward the proper role of the individual’s relationship with government based upon one’s value system and interpretation of civil order is natural. One man’s patriot is another man’s traitor. Where do you stand on the sentiments behind the penning of the below ideas? Quiz yourself and see if you can figure out the name of the author.
The quotes assembled in this essay illustrate that government officials and agencies would put the critic on a terrorist watch list. Read each and compare if the thought behind the passage agrees with your value system or if the attitude is too extreme for mainstream politics in today’s America. If left up to the national security apparatus, the author would be on a wanted poster, labeled as the Number One Enemy of the State.
Imagine the government’s response for advocating a society that promotes Liberty. Tolerating grievous radical expressions like these examples is dangerous. Consider the outlooks.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?"
"It is better to tolerate that rare instance of a parent’s refusing to let his child be educated, than to shock the common feelings by a forcible transportation and education of the infant against the will of his father."
"It is strangely absurd to suppose that a million of human beings, collected together, are not under the same moral laws which bind each of them separately."
Many people complain about government but most consent to the dictates of authority as a required acceptance of citizen obedience. How many times have you heard the viewpoint it is your duty to act in compliance with the law as the price of a civilized society? The vast majority obeys whatever regulation or edict comes their way. This fact keeps the system functioning. The standards set forth for your submission often evolve, but people learn to adjust.
Pushing the envelope of the acceptance quotient varies in intensity, but seldom does government retreat. The state is the final judge of acceptability, because force is the ultimate weapon of threat for disobedience. Ruling regents restrain, ignore or discard eternal indivisible rights if a conflict exists with the interests of the state. Freedom can be a very treacherous opponent for a municipal establishment.
You can just hear the opposition to the next series of quotes. The idea that natural law permits all legitimate authority is downright radical and inhibits the living Constitution.
"No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him."
"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society."
"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
Governments pursue greater influence and range of regulating behavior. As the state grows the tentacles of reach expands. Challenging this trend risks acceptance and imposes penalties. Torturing the meaning of fairness, the state uses all the muscle of intimidation and brute coercion, to justify public acceptance of the methods used to gain conformity.
Testing the limits of government forbearance is an act of courage that most shy away from undertaking. Open confrontation is chastised as behavior of a delinquent subject. Confiscation of individual wealth for the greater good champions the supreme sacrifice that transforms into the shared cost of being part of the great government governance.
Conferring legitimacy and respect for government programs and policies is the criterion of a loyal national. Deviating from symbolic recognition and deference must signify that the person is hostile to the good works of public sector. Advocates that express dissent are tabbed as agitators and threats, calculated to challenge the survival of the state.
The role of government amplifies as the drumbeat of the welfare clause vibrates to the inner soul of the nation. This group of citations adds fuel to the fire that the writer is an enemy of the state.
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny"
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
"I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
Resistance to government abusive authority qualifies the opponents of the regime as outlaws. Envision claiming that government can become a tyrant and implying that revolt is justified. Advocating acts of rebellion and equating an ethical mandate surely qualifies the essayist as a foe of the government.
Self-defense and individual autonomy disturbs the state. The all-encompassing scope of government involvements and intrusions claim that such practices, warranted for the public good, are valid. Challenging this omniscient authority qualifies one as an antagonist of the sovereign master.
Disputing the entrenched submission to the state as an instrument of rule is perilous to the magistrates. Punitive prosecution of indignant protestors must be a prime directive of the state. Granting access to the corridors of power and rule to the generator of the next thoughts is unthinkable. Allowing these words to influence the population is dangerous. Such ideas desecrate the purity of government genuineness.
"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all."
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
"When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality."
By now, you should have a good idea who wrote all these quotations. Many complacent Americans are uncomfortable with the spirit and intent of this wisdom. The ageless insights apply as succinctly as when they were first uttered. These words disturb many cowardly peons, who abdicate their self-dignity by willingly pronouncing their allegiance for the state, especially when the conduct based upon coercion and dependency is the norm.
The state is the enemy, when authorities assault individual liberty and embrace collectivism. The sage of these quotes would be demonized as a rebel and unelectable in today’s "PC" environment. Secure in his place is history, the current political class often rejected the origins and truth in the ideas.
The Democratic Party has strayed a very long way from their anti-federalists beginnings. The most avid voices of condemnation and dismissal in the message of the verses shout out for an all controlling and omnipresent government. Therefore, the call for limited government is a primary reason to label followers of the intrepid author as enemies of the state. In case you have not figure out the authorship yet, review the
Solitary Purdah essay and discover the answer.
America is in deep trouble because the country has lost its way and people scorn their heritage. Instead of cherishing sound principles and universal values, the population has embarked on a self-destructive rush for fallacious gratification. In order to continue the decadent orgy of debt and entitlements, dependants swear fidelity to the state, deny their natural birthrights, and avoid intrinsic responsibilities. Will you adopt the proud title – Enemy of the State? On the other hand, will you continue to aid and abet the downfall of the nation and keep saluting a despotic dictatorship?
Source of quotations
1, 2 SARTRE – May 6, 2012
"Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual." Number ONE Enemy of the State
 Original Post from

Friday, May 4, 2012

‘We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War’ Says DHS Informant

Guest Post- Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul

In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America.

“We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.”

Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed.

Uprisings in Greece is, indeed, a problem, but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.

Through his sources, Hagmann confirmed Rickards’ ongoing thesis of a fear of a U.S. dollar collapse at the hands of the Chinese (U.S. treasury bond holders of approximately $1 trillion) and, possibly, the Russians (threatening to launch a gold-backed ruble as an attractive alternative to the U.S. dollar) in retaliation for aggressive U.S. foreign policy initiatives against China’s and Russia’s strategic allies Iran and Syria.

“The one source that we have I’ve known since 1979,” Hagmann continued. “He started out as a patrol officer and currently he is now working for a federal agency under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security; he’s in a position to know what policies are being initiated, what policies are being planned at this point, and he’s telling us right now—look, what you’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. We are preparing, we, meaning the government, we are preparing for a massive civil war in this country.”
“There’s no hyperbole here,” he added, echoing Trends Research Institute’s Founder Gerald Celente’s forecast of last year. Celente expects a collapse of the U.S. dollar and riots in America some time this year.
Since Celente’s ‘Civil War’ prediction of last year, executive orders NDAA and National Defense Resources Preparedness were signed into law by President Obama, which are both politically damaging actions taken by a sitting president.

And most recently, requests made by the DHS for the procurement of 450 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition only fuels speculation of an upcoming tragic event expected on American soil.
These major events, as shocking to the American people as they are, have taken place during an election year.

Escalating preparatory activities by the executive branch and DHS throughout the last decade—from the Patriot Act, to countless executive orders drafted to suspend (or strip) American civil liberties “are just the beginning” of the nightmare to come, Hagmann said.

He added, “It’s going to get so much worse toward the election, and I’m not even sure we’re going to have an election in this country. It’s going to be that bad, and this, as well, is coming from my sources. But one source in particular said, ‘look, you don’t understand how bad it is.’ This stuff is real; these people, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), they are ready to fight the American people.”
TruNews Wiles asked Hagmann: who does the DHS expect to fight, in particular? Another North versus South, the Yankees against the Confederates? Hagmann stated the situation is far worse than a struggle between any two factions within the U.S.; it’s an anticipated nationwide emergency event centered on the nation’s currency.

“What they [DHS] are expecting, and again, this is according to my sources, what they’re expecting is the un-sustainability of the American dollar,” Hagmann said. “And we know for a fact that we can no longer service our debt. There’s going to be a period of hyperinflation . . . the dollar will be worthless . . . The economic collapse will be so severe, people won’t be ready for this.”
Source: Full TruNews interview, May 2, 2012.